STAND DOWN: The common hidden theme for mass shootings, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 where tragic events are “allowed” to happen to justify bigger government power grabs
10/03/2024 // S.D. Wells // Views

The big question is what’s next for U.S. defenses to ignore in order to set up for a massive gun grab, election postponement, Trump assassination attempt, or worse, a World War? It appears to be the most common underlying theme of nearly every mass tragedy on record the past few decades, where the people in charge of safe-guarding American lives completely drop the ball (whether through negligence or insidious planning) and allow psychopaths and terrorists to inflict significant damage without opposition.

We’ve seen this happen at school shootings, where the security is either suddenly non-existent or does nothing at all until the entire fiasco is over, and the shooter has killed dozens of people, often including himself at the end of it all. Even swat teams seem to “stand down” and are often given those orders from higher ups, including the FBI and local police.

Many insiders believe that top U.S. politicians knew in advance that Pearl Harbor was going to get bombed, but "stood down" and let it happen in order to justify starting the war, that enables the Military Industrial Complex to initiate their money-laundering cash cow enterprise.

Those horrific mass shootings are always coincidentally (not) followed by Democrat politicians screaming into a microphone that Americans MUST all turn over their semi-automatic guns to the government to save Americans from such violence. Someone needs to tell these dictators to “stand down” themselves.

We’ve witnessed massively tragic events, like 9/11, where known terrorists on watch lists somehow walked straight through security protocol at the airports, took over jumbo jets (with no U.S. marshals or cockpit security in place), and supposedly flew the planes perfectly into New York skyscrapers and the Pentagon. Conveniently for the U.S. government, there were NO VIDEOS of the plane flying into the Pentagon, even though there is a massive security infrastructure there in place 24/7/365. Talk about getting “stand down” orders.

U.S. Secret Service most likely ordered to stand down while Thomas Crooks took position on the rooftop, aimed his rifle at Trump for minutes, then took several shots

It’s just too much of a mass-coincidence that a would-be-assassin could walk into a Trump rally with a rifle, scope, ammunition, a 10-foot ladder and perch himself on a rooftop, of all places, close to the real President, and aim his gun at Trump for 5 minutes WHILE security snipers watched him, aimed their guns at him, and WAITED for Thomas Crooks to take several shots at Trump, even striking him in the head with one. It’s almost impossible that these police, Secret Service contractors and anti-sniper snipers were NOT given orders to “stand down” and let this psychotic Trump hater attempt to do the “dirty deed.”

The big question is what’s next? Even an FBI agent is blowing the whistle about Americans needing to prepare for a planned world war. Will the Demonic Democrats in DC provoke a terrorist or enemy attack on U.S. soil and “stand down” so the most damage can be inflicted, thus gaining support from most Americans to engage in World War III? This is one way the Democrats can “steal” the election they are sure to lose next month, by simply postponing it indefinitely with a “stand down” staged mass event.

Will there be another Trump assassination attempt, where secret service leaves an obvious shooter area unsecured right near Trump, or simply doesn’t notice an explosive device (IED) close by, or some blinding ray gun or chemical warfare released in the crowd?

Will America get attacked by our own government during a “stand down” operation and have it blamed on Russia, Iran or North Korea? Will it be an EMP (electromagnetic pulse or sky bomb) that incapacitates our satellites, shutting down the internet, banks and grocery stores, and starting mass riots in every major city? Remember, staged doesn't mean fake, it just means it was all set up, usually with an ulterior motive much bigger and insidious.

Keep your truth news in check by adding to your favorites list and tuning in daily for updates on real news about surviving the Government-led aggression that’s prompted by “inside jobs” and staged events where our own security forces are instructed (and paid well) to “stand down.”

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