Sermon 2: The importance of HUMILITY and earning GOD’S FAVOR
10/01/2024 // Kevin Hughes // Views

The Health Ranger Mike Adams discussed the importance of humility and earning God's favor in a person's life during his second sermon on the "Health Ranger Report," part of his 100 Sermons series.

He based his sermon on the 11th chapter of the book of Proverbs, with its first verse stating: "The Lord detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with Him." (Proverbs 11:1)

According to the Bible nutrition educator, God will give credit to decent persons – but cheaters and other dishonest people will only receive His scorn.

"If you just treat other people with a sense of honesty in your business, in your personal life, in your faith [and] in everything you do, then God will grant you His favor. The currency that counts with God is the currency of God's favor. So, as you are earning that currency, which you can only earn through your behavior, through your honest actions, and you can't deceive God because He knows everything," Adams said. (Related: BardsFM: Scott Kesterson talks about walking the right path with God – Brighteon.TV.)

"So, you can't deceive yourself. You can't lie to yourself. You are either acting with integrity or you're not. And God knows and you know, and that's what counts as your currency. That's what you do take with you, and that's not reflected in your bank account.

God's favor is a cosmic currency that is different from the U.S. dollar or Bitcoin. "A person won't be bringing along their dollar bills or cryptocurrency tokens when they pass away. Only God can tell a person how much currency they have with him, and they either earn or lose it daily with the actions and decisions that they make," Adams said.

Successful people tend to act with a sense of personal pride instead of humility

The book of Proverbs states: "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." (Proverbs 11:2)

In connection to this, Adams compared people to pop culture stars who have been showered with success – they tend to act with a sense of personal pride rather than humility. "And then what happens often? They fall from their perch of power. They fall into disgrace because their success was never rooted in spiritual fundamentals that would allow it to have longevity or sustainability. So, they fall from that power, and they end in disgrace."

The Natural News and founder said younger people will experience a fall or collapse like a rug being pulled out from under them, and they will find out they are not superhuman.

"You're not above God because it is from the place of humility that we build the foundation for long-term, legitimate success in life, and I don't mean that monetarily," he continued. "I mean living life as a successful human contributing to the health, joy and awakening of others around you. That's what matters in terms of scoring in this life, and that only comes from a place of humility, not from pride."

The chapter continues: The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity. Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death." (Proverbs 11:3-4)

Adams reiterated that wealth is worthless when Judgment Day comes and people's bank accounts mean nothing to the eyes of God. "Righteousness is standing in truth with God, and this is what grants people eternal life and entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven," he said.

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Listen to the second sermon from the Health Ranger Mike Adams about wisdom earned through humility and earning God's favor below.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on

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