Day of reckoning
10/01/2024 // News Editors // Views

I live in mainstream America, mostly middle class with friends and family on every economic level except filthy rich. There’s a discontentment that’s been growing to a disgruntlement that’s been growing to a resistance. If it doesn’t get assuaged, it will lead to a rebellion.

(Article by Ms. Smallback republished from

People are about at the end of what they’re going to tolerate. They’ve paid their dues, followed the rules, and made every effort to keep the peace. While being constitutional citizens of America, (abiding by the precepts and principles of our founding documents), they have endured unconstitutional and unprincipled acts and offenses against them on an ever increasing in quantity and quality scale.

The mafia we call the United States Government has turned its highest offices and agencies into vikings and pirates; and they have been fleecing the law abiding citizens for much too long now. The mafia driven institutions of the FBI, CIA, IRS and DOJ have targeted citizens they deem a threat to their piracy and totalitarian rule. They harass them, send them to kangaroo courts, jail them, and basically bankrupt them. Their law enforcement is corrupt. Their judges are compromised and corrupt. It used to be an indictment to be under investigation from these institutions. Now it’s a badge of honor for being righteous and a threat to the regime.

While mainstream America has been working for a living, giving precious hours to the Beast System instead of their families or in leisure, the mafia members and their allied members have been engaged in the grossest and vilest of deeds from human trafficking to child rape to murder to money laundering and about a thousand variations of theft. (All while engaging in lavish parties, vacations, and the like without the encumbrances the average American has. Their rules are, after all, for thee, not me.)

It is outright embarrassing now to be called an American because it is synonymous with sin, greed, corruption and the wickedest of deeds. You have to get off the streets of the government buildings, out of the urban centers of democrat run cities, and into the suburbs, fringe neighborhoods, rural towns and countrysides to capture the essence of America and Americans that once made this land great.

Every institution we once held dear and ran with respect and a sense of justice has been infiltrated and overrun by fringe minority groups who want their minority (and often depraved and unjust) agenda to redefine long held customs, beliefs and traditions. They’ve ripped down our statues and historical markers and reminders (good and bad). They’ve replaced many of them with demonic idols. They’ve redefined words and manufactured labels, personifying the essence of Isaiah 5:20 so plainly one might think it was actually written for the 21st century.

They are the epitome of giving an inch and taking a mile. I’m old enough to remember when sexual deviation was considered a mental illness. The moment we said “okay, have your deviation (sin). You have equal rights under the law.” The litigation started to demand anything and everything from making a small business owner accommodate their depravity, to redefining what has been the standard from the beginning of human time for marriage, to unnaturally demanding adoption and actually rejecting heterosexual Christian couples from adoption! Talk about a reversal.

Their inch that turned into a yard is now a mile. They want pedophilia normalized and legalized. They’re raping our daughters in bathrooms they should never be in. They’re minimizing our daughters and stealing from them by infiltrating their events (because they aren’t skilled enough to win in their own gender roles).

Yeah, I think mainstream America is about done with the experiment of tyranny under unrighteousness and depravity.

To my knowledge, there is not a category that has not been altered, compromised, or completely taken over by the radical agenda of, let’s be honest: communism.

For the first time in my life, I am hearing average Americans engaging in both rhetoric and action to rebel against this new Amerika. They’ve watched cities where it’s legal to steal, people will brazenly walk in and empty shelves into their hands, bags or boxes – as store owners stand helpless to protect their own labor and investment. They’ve watched as whole cities were set afire and people murdered in the streets under the name of “justice” and the misnomer of “racial injustice”. They’ve watched as businesses their grandparents and their parents sacrificed for are run to the ground because of corporations.

I have heard people talk about stealing from corporate stores – people who have never stolen in their lives! They see no point in keeping the law while the government and corporate mafias are fleecing them in exorbitant taxes and inflationary prices, and non law abiding persons are stealing without consequence. They’re tired of the scales always favoring the illegal immigrants, the law breaking gangs, and the Soros funded rioters and looters. If the American government is no longer going to aide the American, the American is ready to tip the scales.

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