Former New York COVID Czar admits to manipulating the public and defrauding the FDA while participating in perverted romps
09/29/2024 // Lance D Johnson // Views

Many of the government and public health officials who were behind the onslaught of medical tyranny and unlawful mandates since 2020 (especially the ones that flouted their own restrictions and attended orgies) knew all along that COVID-19 was a psychological operation based on mainstream media programming, medical fraud and Big Pharma capitalizing on people’s fears and sicknesses. New York City’s former senior advisor for public health, Dr. Jay Varma, was caught on camera bragging about using the media to manipulate study results to fraudulently receive emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

COVID Czar-turned pharmaceutical tycoon admits to using media spin to defraud the public and the FDA

Currently the executive vice president and chief medical officer at the pharmaceutical company SIGA Technologies, Dr. Jay Varma has disclosed exactly how pharmaceutical companies manipulate the public so they can defraud the FDA and boost their stock prices.

“We want the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, to approve our drug specifically for Monkeypox and right now it’s only considered experimental and they won’t approve it based on this study,” he said in an undercover video.

So, “We also need to keep up the people’s belief that the [TPOXX] drug works. So, that’s why spinning it in the media is helpful,” he explained. “You can spin them [TPOXX study results] so that people – won’t like, dump the stock thinking that the company is worthless.”

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) eventually granted approval for their oral TPOXX (tecovirimat) treatment, marking it the first drug specifically indicated for the treatment of smallpox in adults and pediatric patients weighing at least 13 kg. Following this approval, Health Canada also authorized the use of oral TPOXX for the same patient population. Under the brand name Tecovirimat-SIGA, oral TPOXX has also received approvals from the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the Norwegian Medicines Agency and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA-UK). These approvals extend its use not only for smallpox but also for monkeypox, cowpox and vaccinia complications following smallpox vaccination in both adults and children.

Dr. Varma has insider knowledge on how the fraudulent approval process works for drugs and vaccines

Dr. Varma knows exactly how this fraudulent drug and vaccine approval process works. As head of the public health response in NYC in 2020 and 2021, he was part of the grand deception behind the Emergency Use Authorization of COVID-19 vaccines. After locking down New York City, he attended orgies and did illicit drugs at large underground parties with others of the elite.

He knows how the pharmaceutical company manipulates their own studies and misrepresents them through the media, manipulating public opinion while bolstering stocks and garnering fraudulent EUA FDA approvals. This same psychopathic game-plan is being used across the pharmaceutical sector. The media fear machine is being used for every up-and-coming disease, and is used to sell the public on new vaccines for every flu strain, COVID strain and things like monkeypox, RSV and eventually bird flu, Disease X, etc.

In the undercover footage, Dr. Varma admitted that monkeypox isn’t a public health emergency, as it is being advertised. “Honestly, in the United States, the risk [for Monkeypox] is very low. It’s only primarily transmitted among gay men. It basically got into the sexual networks of gay men, and a lot of gay men have tons and tons of sexual partners and often don’t use condoms. So as a result, it spreads more easily.”

However, when it comes to promoting new drugs and vaccines for the disease, he knows exactly what needs to done to boost pharmaceutical stock prices: frighten the public, devise a "solution," manipulate the study results, defraud the FDA's EUA process, leverage government officials and spin the drug as necessary, safe and effective for everyone.

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