Unhinged and more dangerous than they were in 2016, liberal Democrats will become even more violent after 8 years of Trump Derangement Syndrome eating away at their brains
09/20/2024 // News Editors // Views

Flash back to this time in the 2016 campaign cycle and we saw protests at Donald Trump rallies, the media providing more than 90% hostile coverage, while misrepresenting everything Trump said, along with media guests, contributors and pundits calling Trump supporters rapists, Nazis, racist, Islamophobic bigots.

(Article by Susan Duclos republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)

After Trump trounced Hillary Clinton, leftists marched, and marched, and marched in protest, with random acts of violence and verbal and physical attacks against MAGA supporters, even teenagers were attacked by adults who should have known better.

Jump Forward to 2024

Two assassination attempts, and some type of either chemical, or laser attack against more than a dozen Latino's for Trump attending a rally for Trump, has already occurred.

The difference in the media rhetoric from 2016 and 2024, is that back then, they truly didn't believe Trump could beat Hillary Clinton, so they first treated him as a joke, then just a pain in the butt, while trying to guilt Americans into not supporting him.

Now they know he can win, and their "selected" candidate, Kamala Harris, is an absolute mess, can barely answer questions in a manner that makes any sense to normal people, was ranked horribly as Vice President, and ended her 2020 presidential campaign because she couldn't get enough financial support. She ended the campaign without receiving even one primary vote.

Say what you want about the Hildabeast, and believe me, I have, but at least she had a brain, warped as it was/is, which is more than we have seen from Kamala.

Before moving on to what we should fully expect should Trump survive until the election and win, or even if whoever is in control of the White House starts WWIII just to prevent having the election, let me please make a side point.

I only mention this because it directly relates to the dangers of Democrats in this day and age.

In a new polling survey, an overwhelming majority favors mass deportations of illegal immigrants in America where 86% of Republicans and 58% of independents are in favor of deporting illegals. Democrats, only 25% had brains enough to understand illegal immigration is destroying this once great nation.

Now for what we should fully expect if the election is not called off, and Trump is not picked off before the election, and he wins, because the violence and attacks back in 2016 - 2020, will be nothing compared to how the unhinged and dangerous Democrats react this time.

Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com

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