Trump says Kamala is “facilitating the largest wave of child sex trafficking in history”
09/18/2024 // Ethan Huff // Views

At a recent press conference in Los Angeles, Donald Trump blasted Kamala Harris for "facilitating the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history."

Not only is Kamala letting in child predators by the millions as Joe Biden's "border czar," but she also catered to child sex traffickers while named attorney general in California.

"As attorney general, she defined child sex trafficking, assault with a deadly weapon, and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes," Trump said, adding that Kamala put child sex traffickers "in a new category, as nonviolent."

"Now as vice president, she has facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history – the history of our country – by far."

Recognizing that the mainstream media is unlikely to report on any of this other than to quote him and contradict his claims, Trump continued by throwing out the claim that hundreds of thousands of migrant children have gone missing under Kamala's watch.

"And in case you don't want to write about it, which you should because there can be no bigger scandal than this, we have, under this administration, 325,000 migrant children are missing – 325,000!" Trump said.

"In other words, take your biggest stadium in California and you can fill it up five or six times. Those are all missing children. Many of them are dead. Many of them are sex slaves, and slaves of a different nature."

(Related: In case you missed it, here is a point-by-point fact check from the Trump campaign covering everything Kamala lied about at the ABC News debate.)

Kamala destroyed "law and order" in California, claims Trump

In continuing his media monologue, Trump took aim at Kamala for defunding the police in California, which many believe is responsible for rising crime rates all across the country.

"Anybody that was in favor of defunding the police for one month, let alone her entire career, should never be president of the United States," Trump declared.

"She supported a plan to cut the L.A. Police Department by at least $150 million, and ideally more. This is when your crime in L.A. was reaching very significant heights. Today it's at the highest level it has ever been."

For the first time since being named the Democrat nominee, Kamala conducted her first interview all on her own without someone feeding her softball questions so she can answer with pre-packaged soundbite answers – and it was a major disaster.

In the video below, listen as Kamala responds to a reporter's question about how she plans to bring down prices amid record inflation – check out all four clips below.

"I grew up a middle-class kid," Kamala lied. "I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn, you know?"

The latest news about Trump's third run for president can be found at

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