Locals outraged as California’s iconic Joshua trees are cut down to build a solar farm
09/18/2024 // Cassie B. // Views

This week, crews began cutting down California's iconic western Joshua trees to make way for a new solar farm in the Mojave Desert. Around 3,500 trees are expected to be destroyed despite outrage from locals, and it's all part of a project that aims to produce 530 megawatts of renewable energy.

California's Joshua trees are a protected species, but Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Fish and Game Commission gave the project's developer, Avantus, a controversial exemption to chop down the trees in 2020 following closed-door meetings between California wildlife officials and industry executives. Although the company claims it is trying to maintain the wildlife in the area and has reduced the scope of the project from its original proposal, it has done little to alleviate widespread criticism of numerous aspects of the project.

Moreover, some critics are complaining that energy from the solar panels is going to be sent to the area’s wealthier communities, meaning that the environment is suffering for something that will only benefit a privileged few. One area where the trees are being cut down, Boron, has a poverty rate that is double the state average, and its residents will not be able to access the green energy produced. It will be sent to wealthier communities in the Silicon Valley and Central Coast hundreds of miles away instead, where it will power around 180,000 homes.

Petition against the project draws more than 52,000 signatures

Residents have organized a petition against the project, and it has already attracted more than 52,000 signatures since being launched earlier this summer.

It reads: “Ancient Joshua Trees are going extinct, and we must save them. The Aratina Solar Project in Boron, California, is approved to destroy nearly 4,000 ancient Joshua Trees in this forest…These iconic trees have stood for centuries, providing habitat for numerous species and contributing to the unique biodiversity of our region.”

The petition points out that the trees are already under threat, with predictions that they could lose 90% of their habitat by the end of the century should current trends continue. This project will only accelerate their demise.

They added: "We need sustainable energy solutions that do not come at the cost of irreplaceable natural treasures.”

In addition to their disappointment over losing the landmark trees, residents have expressed other environmental concerns related to the project. They are also worried about the threat of the respiratory infection known as valley fever, which is caused by a fungus and transmitted in dust.

One local group discovered the fungus that leads to valley fever in samples of topsoil taken from numerous parcels where the solar panels are slated to go up. Avantus has said they intend to minimize their grading of the land in an attempt to reduce the amount of dust they produce. However, many residents say they won’t let their children play outside due to the risk.

Solar project is placing wildlife species in danger

The Joshua trees also provide habitat for many types of species, so Avantus must work to relocate the wildlife that lives there. This is expected to be quite disruptive and will be overseen by state wildlife officials. Mohave ground squirrels and desert tortoises, which are both endangered, are among the species that call the Joshua tree site their home; 44 species in total live there.

Although climate change alarmists claim that they are trying to help the planet with pursuits like solar farms, the truth is that they are endangering threatened plants and wildlife and tearing up undeveloped land – which is not exactly a good way to support the environment.

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