Breaking: International governments are criminalizing free speech through global coordination; new files expose plot
09/18/2024 // News Editors // Views

In a chilling assault on free speech, governments and shadowy organizations are secretly collaborating to silence dissent and criminalize those who dare to question the official narrative.

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EXPOSED: The Secret Global Plot to Silence and Criminalize Dissent

In a chilling assault on free speech, newly obtained documents reveal how international governments are collaborating to silence dissent and criminalize those who dare to question the official narrative. Spearheaded by the Biden-Harris administration in the U.S. and the Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU) in the UK, these revelations highlight a disturbing global effort to suppress free speech and control the flow of information.

The new files, uncovered through America First Legal’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, show how the U.S. and UK governments, in partnership with powerful non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) and international bodies like NATO and the G7, have formed a global alliance to label and criminalize dissent. This global coordination is not just theoretical but has already manifested through Big Tech censorship, legal frameworks like the UK Online Safety Act 2023, and government pressure on social media platforms to deplatform individuals who challenge dominant narratives, especially those relating to health policies and vaccines.

These revelations should alarm everyone who values free speech and civil liberties, as they outline a sophisticated and systematic effort to deplatform and silence dissent worldwide. From the rise of AI-driven censorship systems to the targeting of specific individuals like the so-called “Disinformation Dozen,” this global crackdown represents an unprecedented threat to open discourse.

This breaking story was first brought to our attention through Reclaim the Net's report Behind Closed Doors: The UK and US Plot Global Speech Crackdown, published on Sept 13th, 2024.

As Reclaim the Net’s report highlights, the UK and US, along with 20+ powerful nations, have orchestrated a global effort to suppress dissent under the guise of combating disinformation.

The fallout from this collusion is already being felt across the world, as individuals are deplatformed, censored, and even criminalized for speaking out against prevailing narratives, particularly in health and public policy.

In this article, we delve deeper into these mechanisms, uncovering the legal frameworks and government actions that are quietly being deployed to criminalize dissent worldwide, as the global war on free speech continues to intensify.

Summary: Key Takeaways

  • Global Government CollusionOver 20 countries, including the US, UK, and international entities like NATO and the G7, have coordinated efforts to suppress speech deemed undesirable, using disinformation frameworks to justify censorship across borders. These revelations highlight the role of governments in shaping a global censorship regime through direct coordination and the use of foreign influence.[^1]
  • The Rise of CCDH: Backed by significant financial and institutional support, the CCDH has become a key player in the global censorship infrastructure, partnering with governments, NGOs, and Big Tech companies to silence dissent—especially regarding health policies, vaccines, and civil liberties. Their efforts have contributed to deplatforming those who challenge the official narrative.
  • Foreign Collusion and AI-Driven Censorship: The recently exposed America First Legal documents show evidence of foreign collaboration between the US and UK governments in crafting legal and technological tools—such as AI-driven censorship systems—to automatically flag and suppress content in real time. These automated systems can identify and silence dissenting opinions without human oversight, shrinking the space for free speech globally. [^2]

  • The Atlantic Council and CIA Involvement: The CCDH board includes key figures from intelligence agencies, including seven former CIA officials. The Atlantic Council, a NATO-linked organization, is deeply involved in this censorship operation, plays a significant role in the global censorship network, advising governments and Big Tech on how to suppress speech that challenges dominant narratives.  [^3]
  • Legal and Political Ramifications: Through non-elected bodies like the International Criminal Court (ICC)United Nations (UN), and the World Health Organization (WHO), governments are enacting draconian laws that could criminalize free speech worldwide. Legislation like the UK Online Safety Act and the Digital Services Act in the EU create a framework that threatens global civil liberties under the guise of public safety and combating "disinformation." [^4]

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