Would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh buddied-up with neo-Nazi Azov Brigade in Ukraine
09/17/2024 // Ethan Huff // Views

Back in May 2022, Ukraine's neo-Nazi Azov Batallion, also known as the Azov Brigade, released a propaganda video promoting the idea that the entire "civilized world" must join Volodymyr Zelensky in fighting to defeat Vladimir Putin and Russia. And featured in the video was none other than Ryan Routh, the 58-year-old most recent would-be assassin of Donald Trump.

Routh took up the cause of fighting for Ukraine in early 2022, even going so far as to travel there to fight for Zelensky. When the Ukrainian military deemed him too old to fight, Routh took on the task of aligning himself with the neo-Nazi Azov Brigade to promote its efforts to stop Russia from completing its special military operation against Kiev.

Check out the propaganda video below featuring Routh to see for yourself what was going on in this guy's mind before he ultimately decided, allegedly, to brandish a firearm and try to take out Trump while the former president was golfing over the weekend:

(Related: Remember a few months ago when the U.S. gave the Azov Brigade neo-Nazis the green light to start using U.S.-supplied weapons to wage war on Russia?)

Routh applies to enlist in Ukrainian military

In a failed desperate attempt at public relations damage control, the Zelensky regime actually ended up admitting that, yes, Routh has deep ties to Ukraine and the globalist empire that backs it.

"We believe that the spread of the narrative about the possible connection between Azov and Ryan Wesley Routh is playing along with Russian propaganda and discredits the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov of the National Guard of Ukraine and the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine in general," the Zelensky regime said in a statement, once again blaming Russia for this latest bad PR moment.

Clearly Routh is featured in the above propaganda video promoting the efforts of Azov, so how, we wonder, can the Zelensky regime just deny the evidence? The answer is because it can, and the American public will do nothing either way.

To make matters even worse for the Zelensky regime and its denial is the evidence published by The GrayZone showing that Routh actually applied to enlist in the Ukrainian military – oh, but this is just "Russian propaganda," according to Zelensky.

A copy of the signed form by Routh requesting admission to Ukraine's neo-Nazi ranks was shared by Routh himself to Facebook before Mark Zuckerberg's "fact checkers" pulled it down for violating "community standards."

"The suspect is a Ukro-maniac who's been radicalized by the Mainstream Media into traveling to Kiev, trying to join the 'International Legion,'" said geopolitical analyst Andrew Korybko.

"There's no way that the earlier mentioned American 'deep state' had no idea who Routh was after he'd already traveled to Kiev to try to join the 'International Legion' and then openly told the New York Times about his plans to recruit Afghan soldiers that fled to Pakistan as refugees," Korybko further wrote.

"He also brazenly boasted about how he'd purchase passports for them from there to facilitate their travel to Ukraine. The FBI might soon 'do the meme' and admit that he was 'on their radar,' but there's much more to it."

Routh was so well-known in the pro-Ukraine zealots community that Newsweek interviewed him at one point – watch the video below:

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