“Clinton Machine” targets Dr. Robert Epstein for exposing Big Tech election interference
09/17/2024 // Ramon Tomey // Views

A renowned author and researcher who exposed Big Tech's election interference has recounted how the "Clinton machine" targeted him for his revelations.

Dr. Robert Epstein, former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today magazine, disclosed during a Sept. 11 appearance on "The Joe Rogan Experience" that the Clinton machine ruined his career and turned his life into a disaster. He detailed to former mixed martial arts commentator-turned-podcast host Joe Rogan the tragedies that happened to people close to him, including a "suspicious car accident" that killed his wife.

"In 2019, after I testified before Congress about some of my research on Google, [former] President [Donald] Trump tweeted to his followers some praise for my research. [But former First Lady Hillary Clinton then] tweeted that my work had been completely debunked. I still have no idea where any of that came from; probably someone from Google because Google was her biggest supporter in 2016," he told the podcaster.

"That got picked up by what I'm told is called 'The Clinton Machine.' The New York Times picked that up without fact-checking and then a hundred other places did and I got squashed like a bug. I had a flawless reputation as a researcher, [but] my research reputation was gone. I was now a 'fraud.'"

According to InfoWars, Epstein has made major discoveries on how Google and other tech giants surveil children and influence five billion people daily since being targeted by the Clinton machine.

He continued: "I've made at least 10 major discoveries about new forms of influence that the internet has made possible. These are controlled almost entirely by a couple of Big Tech companies, affecting more than five billion people every single day.

"I've discovered them, I've named them, I've published randomized controlled studies to show how they work. I've built systems to do what they do to us and our kids.

"They surveil us and our kids 24 hours a day. Google alone does that on over 200 different platforms, most of which no one's ever heard of. People have no idea of the extent they are being monitored."

Google brainwashing the public and rigging elections

InfoWars continued that one of the discoveries Epstein is likely talking about is how the search engine giant uses "ephemeral content" to brainwash the public and rig elections. Epstein discussed this issue with InfoWars founder Alex Jones.

"We are recording information that these tech companies never thought anyone would record. It's what they call internally at Google 'ephemeral content' … [and] it's running the world right now. That's what they call this content that they use to manipulate us, our kids and our votes," Epstein said.

According to Epstein, ephemeral content pertains to online content personalized and generated "on the fly" that affects its viewers. Such content includes "search results, search suggestions, news feeds" and more that instantly disappear after users click on and view them.

Epstein also told Jones at the time that his team is the only one so far in the world that focuses on "new forms of manipulation that the internet has made possible." He added that many of these new techniques are in the hands of just one company – Google.

"If we don't stop them in the 2024 election, Google alone will be able to shift between 6.4 and 25.5 million votes to one candidate. They are picking our presidents, our senators, our members of Congress and our attorneys general. They're also indoctrinating our children on a massive scale," Epstein warned. (Related: ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Google can MANIPULATE swing voters to vote for candidates it supports, reveals Dr. Robert Epstein.)

"They are the most powerful mind control machine that has ever been invented. They have more power to shift thinking, behavior, attitudes, beliefs, purchases and votes than any company or any dictator has ever had in the history of mankind. They are impacting more than five billion people every single day, and they're doing this in a way that involves very, very intense social engineering."

Head over to Clinton.news for similar stories.

Watch InfoWars' Owen Shroyer interviewing Dr. Robert Epstein about Google's plan to rig the election this November.

This video is from the Truth Seeker channel on Brighteon.com.

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