Ohio AG Dave Yost accuses media of lying about Haitian migrants abducting and eating people’s PETS
09/16/2024 // Ethan Huff // Views

Dave Yost, the attorney general of Ohio, is fuming mad at the mainstream media for ignoring what he described as evidence showing that Haitian migrants are swarming Springfield to steal and feast on people's pets.

Controversy erupted after Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, Donald Trump's running mate in the 2024 presidential election, shared that his office allegedly received reports claiming that household pets "were abducted by Haitian migrants." Vance admitted that he could not verify these claims, but suggested that they make sense in light of other recent tragedies reportedly caused by Haitian migrants.

The whole thing has become a talking point for Republicans to highlight the Biden regime's open borders policies. Vice President Kamala Harris, President Biden's "border czar," is allowing this all to happen, conservatives say, to boost the voter rolls with Democrat-voting illegal aliens.

"Do you know what's confirmed? That a child was murdered by a Haitian migrant who had no right to be here," Vance wrote on X.

"That local health services have been overwhelmed. That communicable diseases – like TB and HIV – have been on the rise. That local schools have struggled to keep up with newcomers who don't know English. That rents have risen so fast that many Springfield families can't afford to put a roof over their head."

(Related: Panama is finally cracking down on the illegal migrant problem in the Darien Gap, according to field reporter Michael Yon.)

Leave the animals alone

At a recent city commission meeting in Springfield, locals testified on both sides of the argument.

"We have national attention now over alleged people eating cats," one resident identified by the council as "Barron" said at the meeting.

"I looked on the menu of three or four restaurants here today man, I didn't see roasted fluffy nowhere on it. It's nuts. The good thing is we have the nation's attention. What are we going to do about it?"

Trump also made mention about the pet-eating rumors at the recent presidential debate, drawing nationwide attention to the issue. The media pretty much ignored what Trump said, prompting Yost to have a meltdown on social media.

"There's a recorded police call from a witness who saw immigrants capturing geese for food in Springfield," Yost said.

"Citizens testified to City Council. These people would be competent witnesses in court. Why does the media find a carefully worded City Hall press release better evidence?"

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) seems to also support the notion that Haitian migrants are eating people's pets. He tweeted an image of a goose holding a sign reading "geese can be pets!" this referring to controversy over whether or not geese at local parks – geese that some locals say were being plucked one by one by the Haitian migrants – count as pets.

At the same city council meeting in Springfield, one resident claimed that she has "men that cannot speak English in my front yard screaming at me, throwing mattresses in my front yard, throwing trash in my front yard."

Springfield Mayor Rob Rue joined the media's side of the story by issuing a statement claiming that Haitian migrants are not eating people's pets. According to Rue, his office has not "been able to verify any credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community."

"If this can happen in a random town in Ohio, it can happen in others, too," wrote a commenter on a news story about the situation in Springfield.

"Ohio is not a sanctuary state, so how did the Feds do this in the first place?" asked another who apparently still believes that there is any real difference, for all intents and purposes, between the politics of "red" states versus "blue" states.

Open borders ruin nations. Learn more at InvasionUSA.news.

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