Family files lawsuit against Colorado school district for forcing daughter to share bedroom with transgender student during field trip
09/16/2024 // Kevin Hughes // Views

A family in Colorado has filed a lawsuit against a school district that forced their daughter to share a bedroom with a transgender student.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) stated that it filed a federal lawsuit against Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) for forcing several girls to share sleeping arrangements with a transgender student, contending that education officials have committed flagrant violations of parental rights.

The incident occurred in December 2023, when JCPS assigned the 11-year-old daughter of parents Joe and Serena Wailes to share not only a room but a bed with a transgender student and directed her not to tell her parents about the student's gender status.

Luckily, her mother had been a chaperone on the trip, and after some unsuccessful tries to move her daughter was able to have the gender confused student transferred to a different room. (Related: Minor girls labeled "transphobic" after speaking out against LGBT boys using their locker rooms.)

"This time, the chaperones agreed to move [the student] and one other girl to a different room but again lied about why, saying [a] sick roommate needed more space," ADF stated at that time in a demand letter seeking clarification of the district's policies. "Throughout the entire evening, [the student's] privacy and feelings were always the primary concern of JCPS employees."

The Wailes sent two letters to the school district requesting JCPS permit parents to opt their children out of any policy ahead of an overnight trip that rooms children by gender identity rather than sex. They alleged the school district denied their request.

Parent calls for complete transparency from schools on information directly affecting children

Serena said in an interview with Fox News Digital that parents should have complete transparency from schools on information that directly affects their children.

"We never thought our daughter would be put in a situation like this, or we would be forced to ask our own school district to stop hiding information regarding our children's privacy and safety, but the need for transparency and trust toward our school district is critical," she said.

"Parents, not the government, have the right and duty to direct the upbringing and education of their children, and that includes making informed decisions to protect their child's privacy," ADF attorney Kate Anderson stated. "This fundamental right is especially vital for parents to protect their children from violations of bodily privacy by exposure to the opposite sex in intimate settings, like sleeping arrangements or shower facilities."

"If Jefferson County Public Schools is going to continue placing students of the opposite sex in the same room on overnight trips – as it confirmed it would – the district must let parents be the ones to make decisions about their children's privacy. And they must provide the information necessary and inform parents about the policy so parents can make the best decisions for their children," she continued. "The district must grant our clients' reasonable request for accommodations that can be accomplished in a number of confidential ways that protect the privacy of all students."

Follow for more news about transgenderism in American public schools.

Watch the video below about a female student getting beat up by a transgender student in a school bathroom.

This video is from the WorldViewTube channel on

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