Kamala Harris accused of BUSSING IN thousands of people for Charlotte rally
09/15/2024 // News Editors // Views

Kamala Harris has been accused of bussing in people by the thousands to fill seats at a rally, this time in Charlotte, North Carolina on Thursday.

(Article republished from Modernity.news)

There were buses as far as the eye could see outside the Bojangles Coliseum.

There is a debate over whether these buses brought people from outside the city, or if they were merely shuttle buses ferrying people from the city centre to the venue, a distance of around 4 miles.

The parking lot of the venue is right outside it, and you can see people are in the parking lot, so this claim is dubious, unless the buses were literally driving 100 metres.

However it is possible they were laid on from the city centre because local reports detailed that several roads had been closed.

They do appear to be shuttle buses rather than coach style buses for long distances.

The theory that Harris is bussing in people to rallies is not far fetched however, given that in previous instances long haul buses have been spotted taking people to and from the events.

Last Wednesday in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, around a dozen buses were seen bringing people reportedly from as far away as Massachusetts.

Buses were also seen bringing people to a rally in Savannah, Georgia two weeks ago. A man on one of the buses said he had been picked up in Atlanta, which is over three hours away.

Unless it’s a free concert for some popular singer, or they’re bussing in operatives, not enough people care to turn up and fill the rallies.

At the latest rally itself, Harris put on another fake accent and spent a great deal of time cackling inanely.

Harris also declared that it is “time to turn the page,” which makes no sense because she’s the one who has been in office for three and a half years.

Read more at: Modernity.news

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