WATCH: Google growth strategist reveals search engine manipulation favoring Kamala Harris campaign
09/13/2024 // News Editors // Views

A Google strategist admitted to search engine manipulation promoting Kamala Harris in the 2024 election, revealing profit-driven political bias in favor of the left.

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A Google growth strategist, Dakota Leazer, has admitted that the company manipulated its search engine advertisements to favor Kamala Harris during the 2024 presidential campaign. Leazer made the revelations during an undercover conversation with a journalist from OMG American Swiper, shedding light on how Google allegedly pushed a pro-Kamala narrative for both political and financial gain.

Leazer explained that Google ran ads that appeared to link to legitimate news outlets, such as PBS, but were, in reality, designed to promote the Kamala Harris campaign. “It seemed like it was an ad from PBS, but it was really an ad for the Kamala campaign,” he confessed, stating that users were often unaware they were viewing politically driven content instead of unbiased reporting from reputable news sources.

Google’s coordination with the Harris campaign, according to Leazer, was part of a broader effort to generate revenue by tapping into fear-based content, which he described as highly profitable. “I think whatever demographic is most fearful is going to be most profitable,” he stated. “Right now, the left is more fearful than the right is.”

Leazer emphasized that Google’s actions were driven by financial motives, with the company believing that one political side would enable them to maximize profits. “I think Google has a belief that one side will allow them to make more money,” he explained, underscoring how Google’s liberal bias was not only political but also tied to the company’s bottom line and its stock price.

This admission reflects concerns about tech companies’ influence on political campaigns and the potential role of media manipulation in shaping public opinion. Leazer’s remarks mirror similar claims made by Charlie Chester, a technical director at CNN, who previously stated that “fear sells,” reinforcing the idea that major media and tech companies capitalize on fear-driven narratives.

These revelations raise questions about the impartiality of search engine results and how tech giants like Google may be influencing voter perception in the 2024 election. At the time of this report, Google had not responded to the claims made by Leazer.


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