CNN pushing NOTHING BURGER conspiracy theory “Russia, Russia, Russia” again to prepare America for the Left NOT certifying a Trump victory
09/09/2024 // S.D. Wells // Views

It begins again. The ultimate conspiracy theory brought to you by the Fake News Industrial Complex owned and operated by the Leftist Communist insurgents who have taken over the American government and mass media. Because it certainly isn’t 100 million Americans pointing out the fact that Kommie Kamala is another Leftist puppet and bad actor about to claim a false POTUS victory, it must be… those pesky Russians.

Today, the Counterfeit News Network (CNN) is running the script, saying the U.S. government is getting ready to accuse the Russians of sustained meddling in the 2024 election, according to their “sources” that they simply don’t name. It’s another circle jerk of fake sources where the Leftist media quote each other and the shilling presstitutes (pundits and reporters who all read the same Obama script from their teleprompters).

This is all to prepare the American people for mass election denial, the same “offense” they’ve falsely imprisoned hundreds of innocent patriots for, without trial, from the January 6th “insurrection” at the Capital 4 years ago.

Remember, not a single American was ever charged for collusion with Russia during the 4-year hoax the Left made up out of thin air

Talk about a sustained campaign. The Russia-Trump-Collusion hoax just kept going and going, like the Energizer bunny rabbit. Fake news spent countless hours covering it, and newspapers printed millions of copies of their shilling rags about the big lie. It was expensive, extensive and absolutely one hundred percent fake, like the dossier and the impeachment grounds.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s witch hunt was worse than a group of Neanderthals on a mission to find sasquatch. The whole “disinformation” and “misinformation” campaigns were to silence the Right from exposing all the incompetencies and lies of the Left, just like right now. The Democrats are letting everyone know up front they will be censoring EVERYTHING that’s true about Kamala’s incompetencies and lies and blaming again those pesky Russians.

The far-Left Democratic Party and their Deep State cohorts figured that the Russia-Trump-Collusion story was perfectly believable, like some Hollywood movie called “Red Dawn.” After all, the biggest lies are the ones more likely to be believed, especially if you repeat them a million times. Every Leftist news channel, whether national or local, regurgitated the same fake script for the braindead Leftist base of stage 5 TDS sufferers to gobble up like HFCS-loaded candy corns on Halloween. Get ready to supersize your NOTHING BURGER with some Russian-made "special sauce" on top.

Anyone caught saying the Russia collusion story wasn’t true was labeled a conspiracy theorist, a Right-wing extremist, a domestic terrorist, an enemy of the state. If you posted any sentence, meme, video, article or blog that uncovered the hoax, you got censored, blackballed, shadow-banned, outright banned and if you were running an online business, you got bankrupted for it.

Get ready for more of the same. Here comes Russia-Russia-Russia 2.0 on steroids. Orange Man Bad and Putin is his best friend, again. Must attack Russie with nuclear missiles and all-out censorship to stop them from “stealing” the election for Trump by ruining Kommie Kamala’s reputation. Sure. It's all fodder for the Fake News Industrial Complex of America and the Left preparing to NOT certify the Trump landslide victory that's coming.

Tune your apocalypse dial to for updates on real news about surviving and thriving through the Democrat-led government aggression that comes at us every day now. #RussiaCollusionHoax2.0

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