Zionist lobby tries to cancel Candace Owens by adding her to ADL “hit list”
09/05/2024 // Ethan Huff // Views

The Zionist lobby is really angry at Candace Owens for continuing to stand her ground in opposing Israel's war actions in the Gaza Strip.

For daring to speak out against the Zionist agenda, Owens says she was added to an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) "hit list."

"They personally emailed reporters at major publications with a long set of smears about me – plus provided these reporters with a list of my show advertisers," Owens tweeted in a thread about the persecution she faces.

Owens says the Zionists are also contacting her advertisers in what she says can only be described as "the behavior of a mafia."

"This mafia has used a network of smears to try to get me banned from [YouTube], providing a public step-by-step guide for how to mass report my account," she explains.

"This mafia is also targeting my speaking events by mass spamming my hosts via emails with threats. Incredibly, they are even using their contacts in government to try to get me banned from travel."

(Related: In case you missed it, Candace Owens was sacked from The Daily Wire after Zionist Ben Shapiro took aim at her for sharing words of peace from Jesus on X instead of supporting Israel and its war on Gaza.)

Christian Zionists like Amir Tsarfati turn on Owens

One of Owens' most vicious attackers in the Christian prophecy world is Amir Tsarfati, who blasted Owens in a recent YouTube video as an "antisemite."

The Christian Zionist community has turned on Owens because she refuses to accept the narrative that killing innocent Palestinians is justified by God because those doing the killing are "chosen" for such a purpose.

"At their core, these people are communists," Owens says. "They cannot compete in the free market of ideas."

"They do not know how to create, so they deceive and they steal. They cannot accept that people are still choosing to listen to me despite the full effort they are waging against me in the press, so they are now moving to try to squeeze me financially."

Owens says she became the victim of a targeted harassment campaign after she uploaded a video featuring her and Tristan Tate as Episode 45 of her show. The video was initially approved as being "suitable for all advertisers" until a Zionist extremist told his followers to attack her with fake reports of "hate."

"I requested a manual review of my Tristan Tate episode before we posted and YouTube approved it," Owens writes. "Then 'awesome Jew' encouraged people to fake mass report the episode and [YouTube] removed the video."

The sad reality is that many of Owens' most vicious attackers claim to be right-wing defenders of free speech – so long as said free speech does not offend the Zionists who are demanding that the world stop talking about Israel's war on Gaza in a negative way.

"To be clear, EVERY conservative who purports to care about free speech and national sovereignty is aware that this is happening because I will not bend the knee to Bibi Netanyahu," Owens says.

"How can anyone purport to be 'America First' and be okay with this?"

One of Owens' followers, "Censored Men" (@CensoredMen), made an interesting point about the hypocrisy of how this all looks.

"They don't control everything, but if you say they do, you'll lose everything," this account tweeted as food for thought.

"It's sad to see this is happening to you, but it is the same playbook used against Nick Fuentes and many others who dare to speak about Jewish power," wrote another.

"The ADL is an illegal foreign influence operation," wrote another.

Zionism is globalism with a religious flare. Learn more at Globalism.news.

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