The horrifying link between abortion and vaccine development
09/05/2024 // News Editors // Views

On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon speaks with Christian Hacking of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform U.K. about his recent research on the gruesome connection between abortion and vaccine development.

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After diving into Hacking’s background and how he came to the pro-life movement, Jonathon asked him about what public pro-life activism looks like in the U.K. Hacking emphasized that the country is tragically very “pro-choice,” with people in the U.K. generally supporting a woman’s “right” to kill her child if they believe the circumstances warrant it. But one sign of hope is the large number of Britons who feel ignored by globalist policies like mass immigration and others who don’t trust the government, political institutions, and media because of how they handled the COVID pandemic.

“It’s that group of people that I think are more pro-life than less,” Hacking said. The activist added that these segments of people see the low birth rate and realize that that’s one reason why there’s mass migration into the country. Lowering the abortion rate might start to solve that problem as the country increases its native population. Meanwhile, the other segment realizes the authorities and institutions don’t really care about them and are fed up with the system. “[I]f those two segments of society can be galvanized and directed, or simply informed, I think the U.K. is rife for reform inconceivable to the current nodding heads of Labor and Conservative.”

Jonathon then asked about Hacking about his research for a recent animated video for the pro-life organization CHOICE42 entitled “It’s OK.” The horrifying video told the true stories of babies who were delivered and dissected alive, their organs harvested, and their fetal cell lines used for vaccine research. Hacking first expressed what a privilege it was to work with CHOICE42’s director and founder, Laura Klassen, and praised her diligence in putting the video together.

Hacking said he began his research as the COVID vaccines were coming out. “They were rolling out this vaccine, and they were telling everyone to get it. And lots of evangelicals were coming forward and coming up with these crazy ideas of proximity to evil and pushing for people to get vaccinated as being a way to love our brothers and sisters. And, we thought, ‘Wow, there seems to be a lot wrong with this.’”

The activist then explained what he started finding after being given the research task. “I basically just started doing a deep dive on HEK-293 [fetal cell lines] and how these cell lines are created. … Even a fetal tissue cell line is a euphemism that really disguises the brutal reality of how these cell lines are originally derived.”

This led him to discover the story of Johanna – one of the unnamed babies depicted in the animated video – who was dissected alive at Leiden University in the Netherlands under the direction of Dr. Alexander van der Eb. “So, we’re talking about a little baby girl dying from having her organs removed one by one. And the issue being is that they don’t want to sedate the child, they don’t want to do anything that would disrupt the biological function of the baby, and so it’s just the most barbarous procedure, it’s something that you think would happen in a Japanese experimentation camp or in the scientific department of Auschwitz. But it’s happening in [respectable] European universities in the [1960s] and ’70s.”

Jonathon jumped in, asking Hacking to clarify if these experiments were done after the baby was delivered, which he confirmed was correct. The activist noted how, going back to the 1950s, doctors thought they should make use of aborted children in some way and so would use their organs to develop fetal cell lines. “And we’re talking, not just [about] dissections on living babies, but in some of these procedures, the babies were delivered in hysterectomy, to preserve the child [for organ harvesting]. And the whole notion of consent was dubious because the records were all lost.”

For more analysis from Christian Hacking, tune in to this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show.

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