Top 7 COVER STORIES Big Pharma forced MSM to run to hide disastrous health consequences of mRNA clot shots
09/05/2024 // S.D. Wells // Views

If you are wondering why mainstream media is finally publishing some science-based facts about the health detriment caused by commonly used products, that is because MSM is engaged in multi-faceted cover stories while they continue to pretend the Covid-19 mRNA jabs aren’t so bad. Remember, Covid-19 did not kill any more folks than the seasonal flu ever did, it’s just that hospitals across the globe reported anyone and everyone that died during the plandemic as “died with Covid.” This was for the money.

Plus, it was all about co-morbidity “factors,” meaning people with cancer, dementia, diabetes, heart disease and who had heart attacks and strokes were all chalked up to have died from Fauci Flu, while millions of those same folks died from the Covid clot shots.

Though the mad vaccination rush for Covid-19 is fizzling out some, billions of vaxxed people around the globe are suffering and dying from Spike Protein Syndrome, where the billions (trillions with boosters) of spike prion nanoparticles clog and clot their vascular system, causing nearly every system to malfunction, collapse and quit working, including the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas and ovaries.

So now, as real news of the Clot Shot Pandemic spreads to the naïve naysayers and pro-vax zealots and their loved ones, mainstream media must run cover to protect the vaccine industrial complex, the “holy grail” of medicine and for the next plandemic where Big Pharma and Big Government will certainly push just as hard, if not harder, for every human to commit suicide via vaccination.

Top 7 MSM cover stories to hide the horrors of mRNA clot shots 

#1. Fluoride affects cognition, lowers IQ – MSM and AP news claimed for decades that this was a conspiracy theory – and now that spike proteins travel to the brain and affect cognition, MSM is running cover by admitting what fluoride has been doing to the brains of millions of Americans, including children and babies, since the 1940s.

#2. Cancer rates from pesticides are skyrocketing across the USA – it’s really turbo cancer from the clot shots.

#3. Dementia cases are rising at an unfathomable rate across the globe – MSM claims “This is due to the disease doubling in prevalence every five years after age 65.” They don’t dare to lump in the clot shots in their “warnings.”

#4. Heart attacks, heart rhythm abnormalities and stroke mortality rates are noticeably and inexplicably on the rise.

#5. Blood clots are on the rise. (MSM claims they have no idea why, so they’re just blaming old age.)

#6. Diabetes rates are increasing. (The CDC is blaming ethnicity genetics and carbonated drinks.)

#7. Vital organ failure is on rise (kidneys, liver and pancreas) – Yale medicine blames lack of early diagnosis for the spike in cases.

In just 2023 alone, age-adjusted stroke mortality was 5% above pre-plandemic levels. Hypertensive heart disease (heart rhythm abnormalities) and blood clots skyrocketed by as much as 28%. Diabetes and kidney failure rose to almost 30% more than pre-scamdemic statistics. Coincidence? We think not.

Dementia cases rose significantly globally since the rollout of the Covid clot shots. Across the globe, the number of people living with dementia is projected to increase to over 20 million people in the next 5 years, from 55 million now to 78 million, and then to 140 million by 2050.

In the U.S. alone, Alzheimer’s disease is projected to increase from 6 million to 14 million sufferers over the next 35 years. Still wondering what’s causing the massive spike in health detriment worldwide? Cost of caring for those folks will triple, from $360 billion to a trillion dollars by 2050. Mainstream media of course is blaming high blood pressure and high blood sugar. Nothing new there.

Tune your apocalypse dial to for updates on the clot shot plandemic killing millions more people, while MSM and Big Pharma blame anything and everything else. #ClotShotPlandemic

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