GLOBAL EMERGENCY UNFOLDING: Japan will unleash Bill Gates-approved, SELF-REPLICATING mRNA vaccines starting next month
09/04/2024 // Lance D Johnson // Views

Bill Gate's diabolical plan to change vaccines is being expedited once more. After supporting lockdowns and vaccine mandates to capitalize on his global mRNA vaccine initiatives, he now wants the world population to take vaccines with "longer duration and greater coverage." This is the promise for a new class of "self-replicating" vaccines that are designed to amplify in people, all on their own.

By October 2024, Japan will become the first nation to introduce this controversial new type of COVID-19 vaccine called a self-replicating vaccine. The vaccine, known as Kostaive (ARCT-154), is a self-amplifying mRNA vaccine (saRNA) that replicates within the body, creating copies of foreign proteins and GENES for long-term encoding and long-term manipulation of antibody responses.

New saRNA vaccines replicate genes for long term manipulation of the individual's immune response

This new class of saRNA vaccines goes beyond the traditional antigen/adjuvant based vaccine model and takes the process of mRNA vaccines a step further, integrating the GENES needed for the replication and synthesis of the spike protein-encoding RNA. Unlike mRNA vaccines, which only produce the spike protein necessary for immune response as long as the mRNA persists, saRNA vaccines are engineered to create copies of themselves and the proteins they encode. This "biological printing press" could theoretically amplify the vaccine’s presence and multiply its effects within the body indefinitely.

If these saRNA vaccines are anything like the mRNA vaccines, then the heart and brain damage they impose will be ongoing and unstoppable – a precursor to suffering and early death. To make matters worse, the shedding process will be guaranteed for months and possibly years after vaccination, turning vaccinated individuals into toxic factories for spreading biological warfare.

Self-replicating vaccines pose global risks to humans and other species

The Japanese government approved Kostaive in November 2023, following a series of sham clinical trials that demonstrated its potential efficacy against the latest advertised version of COVID-19.

Dr. Daniel Nagase, a prominent critic of the new vaccine technology, has voiced severe concerns about the potential global risks with this new technology, especially when it comes to prolonged occupational exposure to the shedding process of these foreign proteins and genes. According to Dr. Nagase, the artificial genes introduced by these vaccines could spread beyond human hosts, potentially contaminating the environment, negatively affecting other people and other species. He warned that this could lead to a "worldwide disaster," particularly if these foreign genes enter ecosystems and transmission occurs between species.

Nagase warns that once vaccine campaigns begin, it will be virtually impossible to prevent the “multiplied vaccine from entering the bodies of others.”

Alphaviruses, the foundation for the saRNA vaccines, are known for their ability to cross species barriers and survive outside of hosts. This characteristic raises fears that the genetic material from the vaccine could recombine with other viruses or spread through insects like mosquitoes, further complicating containment efforts. There are 32 alphavirus species that infect various vertebrates, including humans, rodents, fish, birds and larger mammals, as well as invertebrates. These viruses can be either species-specific or capable of infecting multiple hosts. Mosquitoes are the primary means of transmission between different species, including vertebrates and humans.

Earlier this year, thousands of Japanese citizens protested against the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty and the introduction of mRNA and replicon vaccines. A letter from Motoyoshi Tokuna, addressed to various embassies in Japan, echoed these fears, suggesting that immediate evacuation and entry bans are necessary to prevent the spread of replicon vaccine genes. The letter warned that once these genes are introduced into the environment, controlling their spread could become nearly impossible.

This next phase of transhumanism will introduce new genes to control immune systems and enable the runaway manufacture of biological weapons in people.

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