Israel launches a series of large-scale military operations in West Bank
09/03/2024 // Richard Brown // Views

The situation in the West Bank has sharply escalated after a series of large-scale Israeli military raids in the occupied territory. The overnight raids involved hundreds of IDF troops and targeted three areas simultaneously – Jenin, Tulkarem and Tubas – impacting a population of approximately 80,000 Palestinians.

Fighter jets, drones and bulldozers were deployed in the operation, which saw at least ten Palestinians killed. Three of the dead were targeted in a drone strike on their vehicle.

The Israeli military described those killed as "armed terrorists who posed a threat to security forces." Additionally, the IDF reported that "wanted suspects" were apprehended in Jenin and Tulkarem and that several IEDs were uncovered and dismantled. (Related stories: Israeli official threatens to turn West Bank into RUINS just like the Gaza Strip.)

This surge in military activity comes amid ongoing IDF operations in Gaza focused on dismantling Hamas infrastructure.

However, the focus on the West Bank represents a significant shift, as Israeli leaders now consider the possibility of large-scale evacuations in parts of this territory. The discussions are reportedly driven by concerns over alleged Iranian efforts to establish a terror front in the West Bank, modeled on its operations in Lebanon and Gaza.

According to Foreign Minister Israel Katz, this includes the funding and arming of militants and the smuggling of advanced weapons from Jordan.

Katz has argued that evacuations would be justified to counter these threats, stating, "We need to deal with the [terror] threat exactly as we deal with terror infrastructure in Gaza, including the temporary evacuation of Palestinian civilians and any other step needed."

"Iran is working to establish a terror front against Israel in [the West Bank], according to the model it used in Lebanon and Gaza, by funding and arming terrorists and smuggling advanced weapons from Jordan," Katz wrote on X.

Palestinian officials and human rights activists have strongly condemned the possibility of evacuations, warning that such actions could amount to ethnic cleansing, especially in areas where Jewish settlers have already moved in as part of broader efforts to annex land for Israel.

Strict curfew imposed in parts of West Bank following series of raids

In response to the raids, a strict curfew has been imposed in parts of the West Bank. Kamal Abu al-Rub, the Palestinian governor of Jenin, stated that Israeli officials informed their Palestinian counterparts about the formal curfew, which has led to a virtual lockdown in affected areas.

Israeli forces have surrounded hospitals, as well as the entrances and exits to the city, leaving residents trapped and fearful.

"People are living in a state of terror and anxiety," Abu al-Rub said, describing the atmosphere in Jenin.

The situation has been further exacerbated by the presence of sprawling refugee camps in the targeted areas, where thousands of displaced Palestinians from other parts of historic Palestine reside.

The camps are reportedly under heavy surveillance and pressure from Israeli forces, compounding the already dire humanitarian situation.

The governor of Jenin also described the IDF operations as "unusually fierce," with continuous gunfire and explosions ringing out across the territory throughout the night.

The scale and intensity of the raids have left many Palestinians in the West Bank in a state of heightened fear and uncertainty as they brace for what could be an extended period of military confrontation.

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This video is from the channel Cynthia's Pursuit of Truth on

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