Israelis flood streets in protest against Netanyahu’s stalling of Gaza ceasefire deal
09/02/2024 // Ethan Huff // Views

Protests are erupting all across Israel over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's failure to secure a ceasefire deal with Gaza following the recent recovery of six hostages over the weekend.

Hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens took to the streets in rage after Arnon Bar-David, the head of Israel's Histadrut trade union, announced a "complete strike" starting on September 1 aimed at pressuring the Netanyahu regime to secure a deal for the release of all remaining captives in Gaza.

Starting a 6:00 a.m. local time on Monday, the entire Israel economy is now at a standstill due to the strike. Even Ben Gurion airport is shut down with no more flights in or out starting at 8:00 a.m. on Monday.

"A deal is not progressing due to political considerations and this is unacceptable," said Bar-David, critical of Netanyahu's mishandling of the matter.

The strike came after the Israeli military (IDF) announced the recovery of six captives whose bodies were retrieved from a tunnel in Gaza early Sunday morning Israel time.

(Related: It really looks like Israel had a hand in Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's arrest – have you seen our report about it?)

Hamas blames Netanyahu for dead hostages

The families of the six captives, along with about 500,000 supporters, took to the streets in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and other major cities across Israel to call on Netanyahu to bring back the remaining 101 captives and end the war.

According to Hamas, the reason the six hostages were retrieved dead rather than alive is because Israel under Netanyahu refuses to sign a ceasefire agreement.

"Netanyahu is responsible for the killing of Israeli prisoners," senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told the media. "The Israelis should choose between Netanyahu and the deal."

Similar to what Americans saw happen in their own country following the strange death of George Floyd, the streets of Israel are now filled with protesters, many of whom are blocking highways and other roadways to the chagrin of Israeli police.

At least 20 people have been arrested so far for blocking rights of way. Israeli police have been chucking stun grenades at demonstrators to try to quiet and disperse them, but to no avail.

"A stun grenade was thrown at me and my advisor just now," tweeted Naama Lazimi, a member of Israel's parliament from the Labor Party, on X. "We fell from the force and panic, and then another explosion occurred, nearly hitting us directly."

"A police officer who noticed the incident quickly pulled us away from the grenade. Miraculously, [we didn't suffer] anything more terrible than a few bruises."

In an attempt to stop the statewide strike, far-right Israeli finance minister Bezalel Smotrich called on Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara to seek immediate injunctions to stop the general strike from taking place.

In his letter to Baharav-Miara, Smotrich wrote that the strike is "clearly political and lacks any legal basis," having been declared to influence diplomatic and national security matters that he believes fall under the jurisdiction of political leaders rather than labor unions.

President Trump took to social media as well to blame Kamala Harris for the problems in Israel, claiming that "Comrade Kamala Harris is weak and ineffective and has no idea what she's doing."

"I look forward to seeing her at the debate!" Trump continued. "Biden failed, and now he spends his days on the beach, plotting and scheming how to take out his former political opponent, ME, who defeated him both in the debate and otherwise."

"The October 7th Israeli crisis would never have happened if I were president!"

Even Israelis don't support what their government is doing. Learn more at

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