Colossians 3:15 says: Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Today, we see numerous churches with all variety of pastors -- some wildly animated and fast-talking -- claiming that since the Zionists claim their Old Testament God gave them the monopoly right to murder human beings and take their land, therefore Christ must have also endorsed such a practice in New Testament times. This bizarre reasoning is enough, they say, to justify Christians today applauding the mass genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, where quite a few Christians, Catholics, Mormons and Jews still struggle to survive, by the way (they're not all Muslims).
Were Christ alive today, he would loudly condemn the blasphemous invocation of his name to justify mass murder and genocide.
How do we know it's genocide? Because Israel's Zionist leaders tell us so in their own words, repeatedly calling for mass exterminations and displacement of the Palestinian people. This evidence was entered into the International Court of Justice proceedings initiated by South Africa and endorsed by many other nations, including Colombia. There are a multitude of videos circulating online that show Israel's current leaders openly advocating genocide and the mass extermination of Palestinians. This is not debated except by those who are ignorant. The genocide of Palestinians is so self-evident and grotesque that many Jews themselves are speaking out against it, including Norman Finkelstein found in this video.
To carry out its genocide against Palestine, Israel has systematically bombed hospitals, mosques, universities, refugee camps, residential buildings, marketplaces, escape routes and infrastructure facilities. It has executed Gazan doctors using military snipers, bulldozed Palestinian civilians alive, launched precision missile strikes at food aid workers, deliberately bombed ambulances, blocked escape routes and even bombed routes that it designed as "safe routes" for Palestinians. Israel's clear goal is to either exterminate or displace the 2+ million Palestinians in Gaza so that Israel can steal their land and take their resources as part of its "Greater Israel" mission that Israel's leaders claim God gave them the monopoly right to pursue.
You don't have to be a Bible scholar to realize that the mass extermination of Palestinian women, children, hospital patients, elderly, doctors, university professors and ambulance drivers as a heinous crime against humanity. You do, however, have to have a brain and a heart. Both of these organs appear to be lacking across many Christian pastors, ministers and church leaders today, some of whom are too busy diddling 12-year-old children or sodomizing the choir boys to bother teaching the word of Christ. Because denial of Christ's teaching is, of course, a gateway to sin and self-destruction.
Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
When pastors and church leaders openly support Israel's mass genocide, they are admitting to you that they reject the teachings of Christ. To justify their genocide, they usually claim something like, "Israel has the right of self-defense." And then you point out that Israel is slaughtering tens of thousands of children, women, elderly people, hospital workers, ambulance drivers and all sorts of people who took no part in the Oct 7 Hamas attack, these so-called Christian pastors will say things like, "Well those children might grow up to become terrorists one day, and that's a threat to Israel."
This is similar to Vietnam War-era war crimes when some soldiers would torch entire villages, screaming, "Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!"
Israelis, of course, arrived in 1948 and began slaughtering Palestinians on site -- the "Nakba" -- stealing their land and homes, displacing an estimated 750,000 Palestinians within a few years, and over time corralling them into smaller and smaller parcels of land which eventually became a large open-air prison camp known as "Gaza" (with additional areas of the West Bank). Today, Gazans live as prisoners, almost wholly controlled by a vindictive Israel that determines their access to food, water, medicine, electricity, transportation, internet services and more. Modern-day Israel exists on the land which was violently and systematically stolen from the indigenous Palestinian people, whom could be compared to Native Americans in North America.
Yet Zionists claim that thousands of years ago, God promised them that land, therefore they claim to have the right in 2024 to mass murder anyone they want, and to consider all those who oppose them to be "terrorists." They often cite Genesis chapter 15, in which God makes a covenant with Abraham, saying, "To your descendants I have given this land." The Book of Genesis is typically dated somewhere around 5,000 years ago, by the way. Yet modern-day Israel attacked Palestine in 1948 -- apparently after a nearly 4,900 year time gap -- and now claims God gave them permission to kill everyone else.
The problem with this claim is that Palestinians are descendants of Abraham, too. The religion of Islam is an Abrahamic religion, and virtually all the indigenous people of Palestine are therefore Abrahamic. By murdering them, Zionists are murdering the very descendants of Abraham that God promised would inherit the land.
In essence, today's Zionist-run Israel is betraying the word of God and literally murdering children of God. This means Israel's actions stand in contradiction to God, which is why present-day Israel is often called a "Satanic death cult."
Psalm 34:14 - Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
Israel also likes to play disingenuous word games to try to mislead the world about its genocide. When Israel bombs women and children to death, it declares them to be "terrorists," not civilians. That's how Israel claims to have so much success killing "terrorists" while Netanyahu ridiculously claims to have killed almost no civilians.
When Israel initiates new bombing campaigns to slaughter yet more Palestinians, it falsely claims such actions are "self-defense." But they deliberately misuse the term to justify expanding genocide. If you live next to a family that has a psychopathic young man who comes to your home and tries to shoot you, then shooting him first is self-defense. That is your right if he has broken into your home and is threatening your life in an imminent fashion. But if you then march over to your neighbor's home and burn it down, roasting alive the women and children in that home, that's not self-defense. That's murder. And that's exactly what Israel is doing, but with 2000-lb. bombs.
This is covered in more detail by author Daniel Kovalik, author of "The Case for Palestine," whom I interviewed a few weeks ago:
Here's more about Israel's deliberate demonic deception through its desire to use words to mislead:
The use of words to deceive... the mass slaughter of women and children... the attempted extermination of indigenous people... the mass theft of land and property... these are not actions of Christ but of demons.
Those who condone such actions are agents of Satan, and those church leaders who use their churches to espouse such mad violence and despicable, anti-Christ behavior are, themselves, anti-Christ agents who have rejected the teachings of Christ and the New Testament.
Christ taught forgiveness, coexistence, love, compassion, generosity, humility, morality and kindness. Yet these so-called "Christian" churches pushing Israel's genocide are rooted in violence, hatred, theft, destruction, suffering, anger, death and vengeance. They are steeped in spiritual circles of the demonic while pretending to be teachers of Christ.
Christ himself warned us about "false prophets." And now those false prophets have announced themselves for the whole world to see: They're the ones advocating Zionist genocide in Gaza. If you follow them, you follow them to Hell.
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Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is the founding editor of, a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on called "Food Forensics"), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics.
Mike Adams also serves as the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation.
In his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products.
Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness.
6 months ago
EXACTLY - they are serving their Jewish masters...
Rev 3:9
The SYNAGOGUE of Satan
7 months ago
If all of the Jews were killed, "palestinians" would cheer that genocide, but forbidden is the counter-genocide of hamas, hezbollah, palestinians, and the supporters of these radical, islamist, terrorist peoples. Here's a negotiation for all of them: free all of the hostages immediately and then we can begin negotiations. Take/keep hostages and we'll do everything that we can, no matter what anyone else says, to finish you all off once and for all.
7 months ago
There's waaay more to the truth to historical significance clearly written in the Scriptures, actual history of Israel, Judea, Hadrian, Jesus, the Prophets, and Abraham than what's written here as "the storyline given", an afternoon of hrs in honest diligent research will enlighten anyone that's serious, if not done misinformation's will bound that are disingenuous at best amateur for sure and harmful to those trying to learn real truths being mislead-!
See--> PROVERBS 18:17
7 months ago
If there really is a SATAN-------OR a CHRIST!
7 months ago
Waiting for moderation means "Censored" if we want to.
7 months ago
No such thing as a ‘Palestinian’ Mike. I’m not advocating for genocide, but many atheists would consider the God of the Bible to have done that very thing. Why? Because they were pagan in practice. Where are the Philistines? That’s where the name palistine comes from. You have Israel wrong, and if you’re looking to teach that ignorance, best be prepared for the consequences. Whose land is it? Go read the promises in the Torah . Read Joshua. Look at history for Scriptural integrity. I will be called a Zionist for that very reason. There ARE bad Jews in the world. Granted- Soros. Are there bad Palestinians? Bad Americans? What is Gods plan for Israel? Good luck getting in between that
7 months ago
I realized that most churches were not serving God during Covid. They complied with all of it. They closed their doors and if they were open they forced you to mask up. I have asthma. I cant breathe. If you're gonna excommunicate me for not covering my mouth with a useless piece of cloth then Im not going in and Im not coming back. I had to fight tooth and nail with my "Christian" clinic during covid about wearing a mask. Ive stopped going altogether. The church is not the building anyways, it's the people. I worship at home, with family, and friends or just by myself. I tried again last year but the hypocrisy is never ending. It is so incredibly sad that the majority of Christians believe that genocide is OK for the sole reason it is perpetrated by Israel. Its horrific. We are in end times.
7 months ago
Hamas started this and you people get mad at Israel for defending themselves. Civilian casualties happened because Hamas put their arms in and around the civilian population. . You people blame the Jews .
7 months ago
The Jewish mafia is the evilest mafia on Earth. These organized criminals even invented a false Jew god - and suckered half the world into worshipping this fictional being . Countless money has been scammed from the "believers. " What a criminal scam!
7 months ago
are serving SATAN (Billions Served)
Now you're getting over the target.