Trump warns Zuckerberg and anyone who illegally interferes in election will be jailed for life
08/30/2024 // News Editors // Views

Donald Trump has warned that Mark Zuckerberg and anyone else who illegally interferes in the election will be jailed for life if he wins the presidency.

(Article by Paul Joseph Watson republished from

The claim appears in a new book written by Trump called Save America that is due to be published next week.

Trump says that the Facebook founder will “spend the rest of his life in prison” if there is proven meddling.

Zuckerberg’s Facebook played a key role in censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story before the 2020 election based on fake claims that the story was a ‘Russian disinformation’ operation, when in fact it was completely true.

Some observers say that the suppression of this story, along with a multitude of others, could have changed the outcome of the vote.

In the book, Trump says that he is “watching him [Zuckerberg] closely” ahead of the election in November.

While he was in office, Trump said that Zuckerberg would visit him and “bring his very nice wife to dinners, be as nice as anyone could be,” but was secretly mounting a “plot against the President”.

“He told me there was nobody like Trump on Facebook. But at the same time, and for whatever reason, steered it against me,” writes Trump.

“We are watching him closely, and if he does anything illegal this time he will spend the rest of his life in prison – as will others who cheat in the 2024 presidential election.”

Trump’s Facebook account was suspended after the January 6 riot, despite the president telling protesters to remain peaceful and go home.

He was only reinstated to the social media platform at the start of this year.

As we previously highlighted, Zuckerberg sensationally admitted that the Biden White House pressured Facebook to censor content about COVID-19 and the Hunter Biden laptop story and that he now regrets it.

“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it. I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today,” wrote Zuckerberg in a letter to the House of Representatives’ Judiciary Committee.

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