Kamala demands seated debate WITH NOTES, prompting mockery
08/27/2024 // News Editors // Views

Kamala Harris is seeking to change the terms of her ABC debate with former President Donald J. Trump, with the America First leader’s camp saying her team wanted a sit-down debate with opening statements and notes. Harris has already backed out of a debate on the less-friendly Fox News network in front of a “full arena audience.”

(Article by Jack Montgomery republished from TheNationalPulse.com)

Harris’s camp is currently quibbling over whether or not microphones should remain “hot” while the rival candidates are not speaking. Trump, who asked for hot mics in 2020, agreed to muted mics and no audience for the upcoming ABC debate and his previous CNN debate against Joe Biden—with the Democrats being the ones who put forward these demands. Now, Harris’s team is asking for mics to be left hot on ABC after all and criticizing Trump for declining to reopen the negotiations—to distract from the fact Harris has been demanding even more favorable terms than Biden.

“Enough with the games. We accepted the ABC debate under the exact same terms as the CNN debate. The Harris camp, after having already agreed to the CNN rules, asked for a seated debate, with notes, and opening statements. We said no changes to the agreed upon rules,” said Jason Miller, senior adviser to President Trump.

“If Kamala Harris isn’t smart enough to repeat the messaging points her handlers want her to memorize, that’s their problem,” Miller continued.

“This seems to be a pattern for the Harris campaign. They won’t allow Harris to do interviews, they won’t allow her to do press conferences, and now they want to give her a cheat-sheet for the debate. My guess is that they’re looking for a way to get out of any debate with President Trump,” he concluded.

Read more at: TheNationalPulse.com

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