In the UK, riots about illegal immigration are becoming the norm, and the aftermath is seeing the worst crime of all, as the government arrests people who simply comment on the riots online, saying something the government doesn’t like, that doesn’t fit the narrative that ALL immigration is fantastic, legal or not, so never complain (even if the illegals rape you or kill your loved ones).
If you say you’re thinking about protesting, you can go to jail in the UK. Don’t believe it? One man just got two months prison time for one post on Fakebook criticizing illegal Muslim immigrants that are “coming to a town near you.” Thought crimes are real, not just in the movie “Minority Report” anymore. Get ready USA, it’s about to hit here too, should the commies win in November.
Get ready to do prison time for simply THINKING about something the crooks in DC don’t want you thinking about. Now you know why they have fluoride in the drinking water, trillions of spike proteins in the Covid jabs, and lots of chemical pesticides on the produce. You must be really stupid to not see where this is all heading.
Do you not understand how to communicate properly under communist rule? You will learn or suffer the consequences. The governing body for psychological practitioners in Canada is forcing a University of Toronto professor to undergo “reeducation” to learn how to support the grooming of children, perverting their minds, pushing them to get gender-mutilation surgery, and think about sex and sex partners all day.
Professor Dr. Jordan Peterson has been suspended in Canada, with no rights to operate as a licensed clinical psychologist, because the groomers in the UK government don’t like his social media posts. This is happening. The USA is next. Get ready should Kamilla the Hun and Nazi Walz win in November.
In New Zealand, during Covid, if you did not follow the “protocol” of lockdowns, social distancing, masking 24/7, and getting the horrid clot shots, you found yourself in prison. Now we’re seeing all the plandemic liars, including pundits, politicians and health “experts” trying to rewrite history overnight, and claim they NEVER told anyone anything was mandatory, it was all just “advice.” Talk about misinformation, disinformation, domestic terrorism and outright genocide. Let’s save America from the communist aggression that’s working from the INSIDE out. We can never forget what they did to us with this scamdemic apocalypse and stolen elections.
Are you engaging in "thought crimes" right now? Beware ... artificial intelligence government is watching!
Keep your truth news in check by adding to your favorites list and tuning in daily for updates on thought crimes being enforced for Americans who oppose the dictatorship in Washington DC, in collaboration with Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Vax. #PlandemicII
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7 months ago
je směšné říkat tomu, komunismus, ten nebyl ani v SSSR
7 months ago
It's called the Patriot Act.. It's for citizens, not illegals..
7 months ago
I really can’t understand how AMERICANS can let FOREIGNERS
AMERICANS don’t rule Africa, Arabia or Satan’s Kingdom on Earth “israel”!
”Cowardice is the greatest sin of all!”