According to the government-run VAERS, Moderna's mRNA shots generate 30 percent more death reports than Pfizer. Early on, Kirsch estimated based on VAERS data that Moderna's injection kills about 50 percent more people than Pfizer's, with Johnson & Johnson's viral vector COVID-19 vaccine being even deadlier than both the Moderna and Pfizer shots.
Using a new technique that compares the all-cause mortality (ACM) rates of different injection brands distributed to the Czech Republic, Kirsch was able to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that COVID injections in general "caused unacceptable increases in all-cause mortality for those who opted for the shots."
(Related: Did you know that both Pfizer and Moderna are rolling out a new lineup of universal "catch-all" mRNA injections made for "pandemic influenza?")
While Pfizer churned out 57 percent more doses than Moderna, making it the most received COVID injection in the world, Pfizer only accounts for 21 percent more deaths than Moderna.
"The only way that can happen is if Moderna has a 30% higher death rate than Pfizer," Kirsch writes. "Even if Pfizer is a completely safe vaccine, Moderna is a disaster."
Kirsch is outraged that Moderna's mRNA injections still have not been pulled from the market despite these revelations. Not a single country in the world that distributed them is even willing to look at the damning data let alone do anything about it.
"If they did, they could quickly validate this," he says. "I'll even supply the source code."
Kirsch presents various imagery on his website illustrating the differences in death rates between Pfizer and Moderna, explaining that never in his life has he seen a vaccine "that has created so many vaccine deaths and injuries."
"And most of them are from the Pfizer vaccine," he emphasizes, since Pfizer produced and released the most shots compared to all of the other brands. "Other vaccines have far more doses than the COVID vaccines, but the COVID vaccines are the worst as far as reported deaths. How can they explain that?"
Even in Pfizer's own "gold standard" trials, the data patently shows that deaths in the vaccine group far exceeded at all times deaths in the placebo group – and the same is true for Moderna. How, then, can the vaccine hawks continue to claim "safe and effective" for these things?
It was revealed on July 11, 2024, via the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) that any health epidemiologist who tries to come forward to blow the whistle about all this is "rewarded" with firing or worse: charged with false criminal charges – watch the video below:
Kirsch believes that not a single health authority anywhere has bothered to take the time to look at the ACM rates one year from the time when patients were injected with various COVID jab brands. If they would, they would quickly see the same things Kirsch is seeing.
Kirsch cites numerous examples, including Health New Zealand, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , and the Santa Clara Public Health Department, all of which rejected his efforts to present them with truthful data about the deadly shots.
"All the doctors who told you that the Moderna vaccine was safe misled you. And the media, lawmakers, public health officials, and U.S. Presidents all told you this s--- was safe without hard data showing it was safe."
If you don't want to potentially die early, it is probably best to never inject yourself with any kind of mRNA. Learn more at
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8 months ago
Yet another Tech-Bro Steve Kirsch amateur study.
> What are the actual causes of death?
> No comparison with deaths amongst unvaccinated as a control group
> No comparison with Covid-19 disease victims as a control group
> No consideration of confounders. Czech ministry of health data shows that Moderna vaccine recipients were twice as likely to have confounding existing chronic conditions that could have contributed to death compared to Pfizer vaccine recipients.
8 months ago
VAERS is the worst possible data source. The official VAERS web page issues this disclaimer:
"When evaluating data from VAERS, it is important to note that for any reported event, no cause-and-effect relationship has been established. Reports of all possible associations between vaccines and adverse events (possible side effects) are filed in VAERS. Therefore, VAERS collects data on any adverse event following vaccination, be it coincidental or truly caused by a vaccine. The report of an adverse event to VAERS is not documentation that a vaccine caused the event."
VAERS is an incomplete passive collection of data. Data collected only serves to be a sort of early warning system of POSSIBLE adverse events trends and nothing is definitive. Reactions identified as supposed adverse events are, in some cases, not qualified as adverse events. Deaths by suicide, drowning, auto accidents, carbon monoxide exposure and due to pre-existing cancers have been reported. Reports are only rarely followed up to establish validity. ANYONE, regardless of their professional background, OR lack thereof, can submit a report. Instances of fraudulent mass submissions with the exact same wording have been discovered.
8 months ago
So? What is going to be done about it? it seems that those who refused all jabs were right. Stop vaccinating your kids, you are just allowing them to be poisoned.