- Trump was struck in the right ear by rifle fire that we now know came from an AR-15 rifle deployed by a shooter who is now believed to be a left-wing radical.
- Trump survived the assassination attempt and has now been released from the hospital, he is reportedly in good condition.
- Questions have arisen about gross lapses in security by the US Secret Service and local law enforcement.
- An increasing number of people are speculating that this assassination opportunity was set up by the deep state, recruiting a radical shooter to do the job, but the shooter (barely) missed.
- DEI "woke" recruiting of US Secret Service agents reveals many agents, the females in particular, to have a shocking lack of basic firearms handling skills. In one video, a female Secret Service agent struggled for nearly 10 seconds to try to holster her own weapon as Trump was being rushed into a vehicle. See video on Twitter.
- CNN and other left-wing media refuse to report the event as an assassination attempt. CNN: "Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally."
- Five days ago, during a fundraising call, Joe Biden said, "It's time to put Trump in the bullseye." Many people are interpreting this as a command to the deep state to unleash assassination ops against Trump.
Rep Thomas Massie tweeted:
The same bureau that investigated the Las Vegas shooting and the January 6th pipe bombs is now investigating the attempted assassination of Trump. This is also the same bureau that raided Mar-a-Lago. I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of this soon.
DC_Draino tweeted:
They left the roof wide open
Secret Service snipers had eyes on the shooter
People were screaming about a man on the roof with a gun
But Secret Service waited
They waited for him to take the shots
Then they killed the shooter
It was a setup
And he wasn't supposed to miss
My own tweets on this story as it developed:
Multiple shots fired at Trump rally. TRUMP IS OKAY, but Jonathan Turley reports there is blood on Trump's ear. Not clear who did the shooting or who was shot or why there's blood... will keep you posted.
It appears that Trump's ear has been shot off, at least partially, not clear yet. It appears that #Trump has just survived a straight up assassination attempt. More details as they emerge... GOD PROTECT TRUMP and GOD BLESS AMERICA!
ANALYSIS: It was RIFLE FIRE that tried to kill #Trump! Someone from a distance unloaded rifle rounds and apparently hit Trump in the ear, from what we know so far. The sound signature here is of multiple supersonic rifle rounds. This was not up close with a pistol.
For at least six years, the complicit corporate media has broadcast nothing but HATE toward Trump, desperately hoping to trigger an assassination. This attempt today is all because of the anti-American, Trump-hating corporate media that takes its marching orders from the same CIA deep state that carried out the assassination of JFK.
Holy shit. If Trump had not been looking hard to his right, that bullet would have pierced his skull. A radical Leftist or deep state assassination attempt in broad daylight. The direction of the bullet here indicates the shooter would have been stationed to the far left of this speaking stage, looking at it from straight on. This means there may be casualties of other people who took fire to the right of the stage. It multiple casualties emerge, that's what happened...
Folks, this was 100% rifle fire from a distance. I am analyzing the sound file now and will get you a distance calculation as soon as possible.
We have the audio of the rifle fire. Audio analysis under war to determine the distance of the shooter. Rifle rounds arrive BEFORE the report is heard. Here's a sound signature of one of the shots. The first blip is the rifle round impacting target. The second blip (taller one) is the report of the rifle. Calculations coming shortly...
.22 seconds between impact and rifle report
The speed of sound, give or take based on ambient conditions, is 1,125 fps (feet per second). The speed of a 5.56 rifle round, give or take, is around 2,500 fps from a typical 16" rifle barrel, although it slows immediately after leaving the barrel and gets slower the farther it travels. We could hear from the reports that this was a semi-automatic rifle, not a bolt-action, so the barrel length was likely 16" or 18" at most. If we are recording the event very close to the point of impact, then we will hear the impact of the bullet first, followed by the report of the rifle shot. The time between these two audio events gives us a fairly accurate answer of the distance of the shooter. In the case of the assassination attempt on #Trump, audio analysis reveals 0.22 seconds between the impact and the rifle report (I just checked this myself). Doing the math (algebra), this comes out to about 450 feet of distance for the shooter, at which distance: 1) The bullets would take 0.18 seconds to arrive, and 2) The sound would take 0.4 seconds to arrive. The difference is 0.22 seconds, which is what we find in the audio file. CONCLUSION: Shooter was roughly 450 feet away, give or take, which is about 1.5 football fields away. Hence the difficulty of the shot. THANK GOD TRUMP survived the assassination attempt!
As an experienced long range steel plate target shooter, I can say that the shots taken by the murderous shooter today, at merely 400 - 450 FEET range (not yards, but feet), is widely considered a nearly "point blank" range for accomplished rifle shooters. I routinely "warm up" one of my rifles at triple that range - 450 yards - and easily strike steel within a 4" circle. This is not even considered expert level by more experienced shooters. My point is that it is only BY THE GRACE OF GOD that this bullet missed Trump's skull and only pierced his ear. We all need to pray to God right now for this miracle, where #Trump literally dodged a bullet and is still here fighting for America! GOD BLESS AMERICA.
Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is the founding editor of NaturalNews.com, a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on Amazon.com called "Food Forensics"), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics.
Mike Adams also serves as the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation.
In his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products.
Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness.
8 months ago
There is an alternative explanation to what happened to Trump. Maybe it was not the "Hand of God" - but rather the "Hand of the Devil" that saved Trump from the bullet. We all know Trump has made a "lot of dirty deals with the Devil," (the Art of the Deal) - so maybe Trump got a "Get Out of Hell Free Card" so he can continue his evil work here on Earth. Maybe Trump is DIVINE punishment on America for all its evil. The Art of the Deal - Part 666.......
8 months ago
There is no proof that Trump was shot in the ear. His people will release no photos of the ear. Whatever. Take one look at the supposed shooter (whose brains were conveniently blown out so we'll just have to believe what we're told by the "authorities") -- he has that MKUltra look that many other young shooters have had (the movie theater shooter in Colorado, the Black Baptist Church shooter in South Carolina, and the Sandy Hook shooter come to mind immediately). I have no doubt that this was a CIA and/or FBI operation. I do have doubts about Trump's role with regard to that operation. I find it pretty strange to see (and more importantly hear) that video clip of Trump rising up from behind the podium surrounded by SS attempting to hustle him off stage: "Wait, wait, wait" says Trump before raising his fist for the photo op) and mouthing "Fight! Fight!" at the rally-goers. All the world's a stage.
8 months ago
Damn good thing for Trump that he has made so many deals with the Devil. With as many dirty deals with the Devil, Trump got a "Free-Get-Out-of-Hell-Pass" and got to dodge a bullet. It was not the "hand of God" that protected Trump. Arrogant Trump was "hamming-it-up" for the cameras after improvising for this failed assassination attempt - like the two-bit, cheap actor he is. His overacting was really bad. Oh, no God will not bless America, but Satan certainly will damn it. The "Art of the Deal" indeed! And for Trump's next book: "The Art of the Deal - Part 666."
9 months ago
If I was wondering if this site rated attention from the regime I no longer do. The trolls are out in force.
9 months ago • edited
Kinda looks like fake blood on his ear and face. They are setting the stage for the counterfeit beast system. I find the possibility intriguing that Trump will be reinstalled with the objective of destroying the fake NWO that has been presented to the brainwashed. Imagine the cheering when people like Pelosi and Schumer are put down for treason on live TV.
What an amazing feat and wonder that would be. Of course, that will be as fake as this assassination attempt appears to be. Satan is devious. He even replaced the souls in the bible with persons (see Romans 13), just like it corrupted the governments codes to make the people think they applied to them.
9 months ago
Having trouble understanding modern politics? Read Roman History. Change names, dates, times, and places. It all makes sense then.
9 months ago
When you look at the footage and realised that when Trump Turned to the Right would be facing the Shooter who the FBI stated was Thomas Matthew Brooks just 10 hours later.
Trump was looking right at Thomas who was direct in line of sight so how does the bullet going right into the Skull ends up only hitting which can only be the tip of the ear on top.
So is Thomas is a Marksman at 400 Feet from Trump or could Trump been hit say with a BB Gun very close side on because not sure who is aware or not allegedly Trump was a Wrestler and is great in putting on shows to draw in the crowd.
I find it very strong coincidence that this Assassination Attempt will make America not think about Trumps Sentencing in regards to Hush Money to Stormy Daniels.
What about Trumps Secret Service he has how come not one was on the building 400 feet away that is in line of sight. You have JFK killed with a Magic Bullet but an Assassination attempt missed by that much. I don't know if am the only one but too many things just don't add up...
9 months ago
Thank God Trump is ok. Tragic that one is dead and two more wounded, prayers for recovery for the injured and for the families and friends of all victims. There is now video of the shooter clearly visible on a roof over looking the rally. There are videos of people who say they were yelling and trying to get SS/police attention when the shooter was crawling into position. He and his rifle were clearly visible to people below as video demonstrates. How did protection NOT see and react to him? Seems to me that at the very least SS was derelict in not having at least one spotter to watch for threats from these areas. This is not like the shooter was concealed in any way, there was either a failure in planning or carrying out the protection OR.....
9 months ago • edited
If you can't see this is and was all planned, staged and in the agenda to put the selection of trump in office. Im no conspiracy person but look at the situation as a whole and all these evil corrupt do to lead you down the rabbit whole. JFK, 911, Ragen, undeclared wars, etc... the stage was set when chump pulled off the greatest scam ever and on the world stage, covid!! That is not a difficult shot for even a decent hunter! More to come to pull you in the psyops!
9 months ago
People will believe anything and so they tell us anything, knowing people will believe it, but anyway, knowing there is no war in Ukraine, that the planet Earth allows solar energy in and can't then trap heat energy from going out, that they never found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that a plane stuck in a NYC building did not bring it down, that wearing a diaper on your face doesn't protect you from a virus but it does make a fool out of you: I also know a guy did not get on a white roof, in dark clothes, set up a rifle and tripod, missing his target when anybody could have clipped an ear ring off a cheetah.
Of course there was blood. My condolences to the tomato that was sacrificed for this staged event. My condolences to The Secret ServiceMEN having their good work smeared by hapless cuties in full regalia, making a fool out of the the Professionals that save lives for all Americans.