H.4672, dubbed the "Parentage Equality" bill, proposed that parenthood should be based on a person's intent to parent a child rather than on biological or adoptive relationships. This shift would eliminate traditional terms such as "mother" and "father" from parentage laws to replace them with phrases such as "person who gave birth" or "genetic surrogate." This change seeks to be more inclusive of diverse family structures for LGBTQ couples to benefit.
Moreover, the Parentage Act allows a man to engage in explicitly paid sexual relations with a woman to conceive. The law could even bypass the need for written or signed agreements for such arrangements to be legally recognized, so long as the woman involved will not be considered the legal parent of the resulting child and is not entitled to any compensation beyond expenses incurred as a surrogate.
Massachusetts courts can validate surrogacy agreements even if the arrangement happens after the woman becomes pregnant, provided that the prospective parents secure the contract before the child is born. (Related: PEDO FUNNEL: Massachusetts government placed immigrant children in hotels with registered sex offenders.)
However, if a surrogate conceives through natural means with the intended father, the bill leaves room for the surrogate to be paid beyond expense-related compensation, which opponents argue combines elements of prostitution and child trafficking. Additionally, this "commercial surrogacy," where a woman exchanges her biological child for money, could allow a pregnant woman to solicit bids for her child under the banner of surrogacy.
But despite all these controversies, the bill still passed unanimously in the state's House of Representatives, with 156 lawmakers voting in favor of the bill on June 19. Supporters lauded the vote as a "progressive" step towards inclusivity, especially as activists in the state seek to amend the law to recognize the unique family dynamics of LGBTQ+ individuals seeking to become parents.
"We chose love and inclusion over intolerance. Today, we continue on that worthy pathway recognizing the love and commitment of parents and meeting them as they are," said Rep. Michael S. Day (D-Stoneham).
Supporters of the bill argue that current legislation and regulations regarding parenthood do not recognize same-sex relationships or intended parents using egg or sperm donors as legal parents until the child is adopted, a situation which they claim adversely affects same-sex couples and other intended parents.
But critics of the bill argue that adoption already includes thorough background checks and is sufficiently protecting children and the unborn by adhering to rules designed to safeguard them from harm.
For instance, earlier this year, Adam Stafford King was arrested for allegedly plotting to sexually abuse the son he and his partner were expecting via a surrogate.
Similarly, in 2005, Mark Newton and Peter Truong might not have exploited a Russian woman to bear a child they intended to abuse if background checks had been required for surrogacy. Police stated they wanted a child "for the sole purpose of exploitation."
Video evidence showed Newton abusing the child shortly after birth. Over nearly six years, the men traveled internationally, allowing at least eight men to sexually abuse the child, recording the abuse and selling the footage.
Learn more about child trafficking and other crimes against children at ChildRecycling.com.
Watch this video discussing the global leftist agenda to turn men into pregnancy surrogates using artificial wombs.
This video is from the Lynikas World channel on Brighteon.com.
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9 months ago
Not surprising that Massachusetts would legalize the sale of humans like puppies at a puppy mill!!!
9 months ago
Sounds like M-ASS-achusetts is legalizing the Chinese rent-a-womb agenda!!!
9 months ago
There is a book called Brave New World. In this book children are made in a laboratory. There is a fertilised egg. This egg divides many times over. The pregnancy occurs in an artificial womb. The children are raised by society. Does this sound familiar? This is what the elites are working towards. The technology did not exist when the book was written.
9 months ago
Parenthood should be based on a child having biological parents. Adoption should only happen if the parents can’t or won’t look after a child. I do not like the idea of “selling” a child. A child is not a can of Coke!!! Children are not commodities! Parents are supposed to set an example for their children. I do not believe that gay parenting sets a good example for children. Children have the right to know their biological mother and father. Sometimes parents have given a confession of committing a crime that they never did commit. They did this to protect their children. Biology DOES matter!!! These laws will give the government too much power. Also poor parents could be pressured or forced to give up their children. This is wrong. A rich gay couple should not take children from a poor straight couple.
9 months ago
"There is more to come..." After 67 years of all this insanity I cannot take anymore. Arggghhhhh.
9 months ago
Come quickly Lord Jesus !! Just when you think our society can't get any lower they surprise us by descending to a new level.
9 months ago
Parentage Act allows a man to engage in explicitly paid sexual relations with a woman to conceive.
Me thinks that this 'law' has NOT passed the 'wife' who can get pregnant litmus test yet.