6 EVENTS most Democrats and Liberals would CHEER ON if they were happening right now
06/18/2024 // S.D. Wells // Views

Most Democrats qualify for the term "insane" if you simply try to have a discussion with them about election corruption, global warming, gender biology, gun ownership, open borders, Ukraine or Gaza. If you break out actual science on them, then the threat of actual violence or "I'm never speaking to you again" comes out. Why are these brainwashed people so dogmatic, livid and off their rocker? That's a rhetorical question.

Many celebrities, politicians at all levels, talk show hosts, late night comedians and fake news pundits have come right out and talked (or posted pictures, memes, words) about the assassination of Trump (washed-up hack-comedian Kathy Griffin holding up Trump's severed, bloody head as shown). They also hate Trump supporters to the point of their own derangement, hence the viral saying "Trump Derangement Syndrome." And now so many of these political freaks are suffering from Spike Protein Syndrome, which only exacerbates Trump Derangement Syndrome. Add in some fluoridated tap water, mercury-laden flu shots and some GM corn, and you've got a walking, talking zombie who hates everybody, including themselves.

Most Democrats and Liberals suffer from TDS so badly they would give up all their own freedoms and rights to watch Trump and his supporters suffer now

If you are not familiar or suffering from it yourself, you may have a loved one, neighbor or coworker under duress from the chronic syndrome. In case you are not familiar with the now-commonplace diagnosis, Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a disorder of the mind where a "Never-Trump" person believes that Donald J. Trump is the new Hitler, who wants to kill all non-whites and non-straight people, while ruling America as a dictator.

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These same TDS-suffering humanoids go into an almost instantaneous rage if they are forced to talk about Trump, some experiencing a psychopathic tirade they can't snap out of alone. They need help (check the annotated DS-V manual for treatments).

One example recently involved a TDS-infected Democrat driver who committed vehicular ASSAULT to try to allegedly kill a man displaying a Trump bumper sticker. That's all it takes folks. Period. If you wear a red baseball cap, you are a target. If you have on a Trump t-shirt, anything that says MAGA, or even just a piece of clothing that has the American flag on it, most Democrats assume you are a "Trumper" and a domestic terrorist who should be jailed immediately, and without bail or jury trial.

If you think people had the right to stand PEACEFULLY outside the Capital building on January sixth to exercise their constitutional right to protest an election they thought got corrupted, then, according to most Democrats and Liberals, you too are a domestic terrorist, white-supremacist, election-denying, anti-science, anti-vaccine, armed extremist who needs to be put in prison right now. Little do any of these TDS-sufferers realize, if they get their way with any of this, they TOO are subjected to the tyranny of being arrested, convicted and jailed for anything any politician or pharma goon thinks up. Get it?

6 Events most Democrats and Liberals would cheer on and pay to see if they were happening right now

#1. Trump goes to jail, now and through the election, so he cannot campaign at all.

#2. Anyone who was so much as standing peacefully outside the U.S. Capital on January 6th gets executed on live pay-per-view, and all proceeds go to the Democratic Party.

#3. Any American who has not been vaxxed for Covid-19 gets force-vaccinated with spike prion injections at gunpoint at FEMA concentration camps across America.

#4. Anyone who questions the 2020 election again goes directly to jail, no bail, no trial.

#5. Every Trump supporter gets listed on the "domestic terrorist" watchlist as a "white supremacist" who poses a danger to society and the government.

#6. All pro-Trump messages, posts, memes, articles and videos get 100 percent banned and censored from all social media, websites, news and newspapers immediately and forever.

Tune your apocalypse dial to Preparedness.news for updates on real news about surviving and thriving beyond the insane Democrats, win or lose come November.

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