CBP agent warns Biden’s immigration executive order will NORMALIZE arrival of 2 million migrants annually
06/11/2024 // Laura Harris // Views

A senior Customs and Border Protection (CBP) source has suggested that President Joe Biden's latest executive order will not significantly curb the influx of illegal immigrants at the southern border. Instead, it will only normalize the entry of two million migrants annually.

The executive order, titled "A Proclamation on Securing the Border," was signed on June 4. The order, which seeks to address the surging numbers of migrant entries into the United States, stipulates that asylum applications will be denied when the seven-day average of migrant apprehensions at the southwest border exceeds 2,500 per day.

However, the CBP source, who spoke anonymously due to a lack of authorization to discuss the matter publicly, argues that this threshold could still allow nearly a million migrant apprehensions per year without limiting asylum eligibility, particularly if cartels or the Mexican government manages border crossings to stay just below this threshold.

The CBP source also stated that "lawful pathways" implemented during the Biden administration have already allowed the entry of nearly one million additional "legal" migrants at U.S. ports, who often enter the country unnoticed. These pathways, the source claims, have accustomed U.S. citizens to around 2,400 crossings daily through land ports and airports, with asylum claims not being more rigorously vetted than illegal crossings. (Related: Biden’s policies allowed mass immigration that’s now completely destroying America.)

Moreover, the source mentioned that the new executive order does not address the 800 to 1,000 migrants evading capture daily. These lawful pathways, strategic illegal crossings under the threshold, and "gotaways" could result in over two million migrants entering the U.S. annually without even facing the order's consequences.

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"Some of the statements contained within the order are outright lies," the source added. "The order attributes low migrant crossings in 2020 to travel restrictions placed by other countries during the COVID pandemic—that’s a lie. Strong enforcement policies put in place under the previous administration lowered the crossings from previous years in 2020. Under the Trump era Title 42 COVID-19 authority, we removed three million migrants that reached our borders and most countries didn’t care who headed to the United States illegally."

Trump's campaign and GOP lawmakers also dismissed the new executive order

In February, Senate Republicans voted against a bipartisan border security deal that included most of the provisions Biden passed anyway in his executive order.

The deal aimed to invest $20.2 billion in improving border security by providing an additional $6.8 billion to CBP, $7.6 billion to Immigration and Customs Enforcement and $4 billion to Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Since then, Biden has been contemplating his next move, which led to the latest executive order. Biden will incorporate some parts of the bipartisan Senate border deal, such as capping asylum requests once encounters reach a certain threshold. The administration also aims to direct migrants to seek asylum at ports of entry via the CBP One app, which schedules around 1,450 appointments daily.

Trump's campaign criticized the order, saying it would be ineffective and that Biden could shut down the border with a single executive action if he truly wanted to. Trump has labeled illegal border crossings as an “invasion” and blamed Biden for recent violent crimes by migrants, despite numerous studies showing that immigrants generally commit violent crimes at lower rates than native-born Americans.

Even GOP lawmakers largely dismissed the executive order as an election-year maneuver that would do little to change the realities on the ground.

"President Biden's Executive Order is nothing more than a desperate political stunt to try and stabilize his plummeting poll numbers," House Republican leaders said.

Visit InvasionUSA.news for more stories about Joe Biden's soft immigration policies.

Watch this video showing New York City Mayor Eric Adams finally pushing President Joe Biden to do something about illegal aliens.

This video is from the Red Voice Media channel on Brighteon.com.

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