The individuals in question are a group of young Germans on vacation in the patio of a bar in Sylt, a small tourist island in the North Sea. The individuals chanted "Deutschland den Deutschen, Auslander raus!" ("Germany for the Germans, foreigners out!") while dancing to the song "L'Amours Toujours" by Italian DJ Gigi D'Agostino.
The news story broke following a seconds-long video of the incident going viral in German news and social media, sending virtually the entire country into a frenzy with politicians alleging that the youths were sympathizers of Nazi German leader Adolf Hitler.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz even stepped in to condemn the video, calling the youths "repugnant" and their actions "not acceptable."
"This video is worrisome because it shows that it's not just the disenfranchised who are becoming radicalized, but that radicalization is also coming from the heart of society," accused federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in his statement.
Bundestag (Parliament) President Barbel Bas of the ruling left-wing Social Democratic Party has called for the youths to receive the harshest punishment possible, including "perhaps even the maximum penalty."
The young adults are being accused of violating Section 86a of the German Criminal Code, which refers to "unconstitutional symbols." If found guilty, the youths could be sentenced to up to three years in prison. If the kids are also found guilty of "incitement against the people," they could be given another five years to their prison sentences.
"This video exists, and certain people can be identified," said Bas. She added that "such things, anti-constitutional slogans, are to be punished… I hope they get a decent punishment."
Denes Albert, writing for the Central Europe-focused news website ReMix, noted that while some of Germany's highest-level politicians weigh in on a video wherein the youths are not being violent and "nobody was physically attacked, raped or maimed," foreigners and people with foreign backgrounds continue to commit acts of extreme violence all over Germany in incidents that are also videoed and shared on social media.
"The German government does not comment on them because these videos do not fit the narrative," warned Albert. (Related: Mass immigration to Germany will cost taxpayers up to €19.2 trillion, warns top academic expert.)
"It is important to note that these young people did not commit any violent robbery, did not rape anybody, nor did they swing machetes at each other in daylight," wrote Albert. "For the category of gang rape, Germany is experiencing record-high numbers and this is, quite simply put, driven by mass immigration – this is a statistical fact. And yet, this data point barely sparked even the tiniest fraction of the outrage this video has produced, including around-the-clock news coverage and public comments from top politicians, including the chancellor."
The conservative, anti-mass immigration party Alternative for Germany (AfD) noted that incidents of gang rapes have hit a record high in Germany in 2022, with certain days experiencing as many as two reported incidents, and with the total number for the year hitting 789, higher than the previous year's 677 and the previous record-high of 710 in 2019.
“The figures on the composition of the perpetrators are also clear and show that all claims that there is no connection between mass migration and the collapse of internal security are lies," wrote the AfD on its official Facebook page. "There were 471 suspected perpetrators with a German passport compared to 472 foreigners – so around half of the perpetrators are foreigners, although their share of the total population is ‘only’ around 14 percent. However, the 50 percent does not include the number of German suspects with foreign origins! The main countries of origin of the foreign suspects were once again Syria and Afghanistan.”
Learn more about the migrant crisis in Europe at
Watch this short video from Berlin of migrants attempting to assert their dominance over city natives.
This video is from the HaloRockTM channel on
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Cultural replacement: Why the immigration crisis is being deliberately engineered.
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10 months ago
The only NAZIS are the politicians in Germany and everywhere else because they´re all part of the Zionist Deep State death club! This evil should be removed from this planet! Only then can humanity be free, end of all wars, abundance and peace!
10 months ago • edited
A big O Sieg Heil to the Top German politicians! The Fuhrer would be proud!