Trump's trial in Manhattan – The People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump – relating to supposed payments made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels to ensure her silence about an alleged affair between her and the former president in 2006 concluded on Tuesday, May 28. In 1998, then president Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000, and nobody called it a felony, nor did Bill Clinton face arrest or prosecution for the payments.
The jury, consisting almost entirely of Trump-hating leftists who are indoctrinated with anti-Trump bias by the corporate media, immediately began deliberations the next day after the presiding judge, New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, provided the jury with instructions for the proceedings.
On Thursday, May 30 at about 5 p.m. Eastern Time, the jury read its verdict finding the former president guilty on all 34 charges. The charge of falsifying business records carries up to four years behind bars, with New York capping sentencing for this type of felony at 20 years.
Merchan has set Trump's sentencing date for July 11, just four days before the Republican National Convention is set to meet in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to select him as the GOP's nominee.
Trump faces three other felony indictments, but it is unclear whether the other cases brought against him will conclude before the election in November.
Speaking at a news conference, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg declined to comment on whether his office would seek a prison term for Trump. He also refused to comment on criticism of how he handled the prosecution, merely claiming "I did my job."
"Our job is to follow the facts without fear or favor, and that's what we did here," he added.
Trump's team has expressed its intention to appeal the verdict. Meanwhile, the former president is expected to return to the campaign trail. His campaign has already leaned into Trump's political persecution, fundraising off the verdict with a pitch that called him a "political prisoner." (Related: POLL: Trump still favored to win presidential race despite indictments.)
Trump is still eligible to vote. So long as he is not sentenced to prison time in New York, he may be convicted of a felony, reside in Florida, and still be eligible to vote.
Speaking after leaving the courtroom, Trump told reporters that the trial was "disgraceful" and "rigged."
"This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt. It's a rigged trial, a disgrace," he said.
"The real verdict is going to be Nov. 5 by the people, and they know what happened here, and everybody knows what happened here," he continued as he alleged that Bragg was influenced by liberal billionaire George Soros.
The campaign team of President Joe Biden seemed to agree with this statement. In a comment, Biden campaign spokesman Michael Tyler said the only surefire way to keep Trump from the presidency is "at the ballot box."
"We didn't do a thing wrong. I'm a very innocent man," Trump continued. "But it's okay, I'm fighting for our country, I'm fighting for our Constitution. Our whole country is being rigged right now. This was done by the Biden administration in order to wound, to hurt an opponent, a political opponent, and I think it's just a disgrace."
"We'll keep fighting, we'll fight to the end, and we'll win because our country's gone to hell. We don't have the same country anymore, we have a divided mess. We're a nation in decline, serious decline," the former president concluded. "We have a country that's in big trouble, but this was a rigged decision right from day one who should have never been allowed to try this case, never. And we will fight for our Constitution. This is long from over."
Watch this clip from Fox News featuring Republican National Committee Co-Chair and Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump discussing how Judge Juan Merchan should be regarded "with shame and embarrassment" for how he handled the trial.
This video is from the NewsClips channel on
Michael Cohen's 100 secret recordings on phone, including one with Trump, can be used against him.
Musk: Trump will continue to RISE in polls as Biden accelerates political persecution.
Company run by Judge Merchan's daughter works for group pushing Trump ballot exclusion efforts.
Sources include:
10 months ago
Trump's verdict was decided long before the trial was ever announced!!!
10 months ago • edited
Beyond disturbing to hear GOP Reps. defending the indefensible & praising Trump to the highest!-?!!..
How EMBARRASSING when the Real Truth comes out!!-
(womp, womp!)-
10 months ago
The Chump is the greatest weapon the powers that be have, to distract, makes moves unknown to the public, to work their agenda for the One World Government, which they are all in on and supported by. He welcomes these types of scams as he makes money on them hand over foot. He made millions from his Jewish connections by launching Jewish Voices for Trump as its official campaign Jewish outreach body. Its board includes the Adelsons; conservative radio host Mark Levin’s wife, Julie Strauss Levin; investment executive Wayne Berman; and Boris Epshteyn, a top adviser to the campaign. All the US politicians are is a criminal cabal and you aren't in it! The money involved should give people a hint of the degree of corruption but it doesn't!
10 months ago
It´s all a stage(d) play! Trump is a Zionist owned bastard that supports the genocide that Israel is committing, is responsible for Operation Warpspeed and finds nothing wrong with the death jabs to this day! He can rott in hell, he is as guilty for what the deep state lunatics have been doing as the death cult itself! And now, people are even really wanting to vote again for Trump!! After they have been played like chess pieces!
There is no one to vote for! They´re all owned and corrupt, part of the entire demonic system and can´t be elected! This sytem must be destroyed first, there is no recovery! That is a global situation since this force has infiltrated everything! Yet people still think Trump, if re-elected (what a joke!), would "drain the swamp"! He must be drained himself from any influence that he is allowed to have, because any president is merely a sock puppet!
Elections will NEVER change anything, in fact they never did! It only advanced the Globalist agenda and we can see how bad it already is today - because people "voted"! They don´t give a damn if you vote the left or the right! It is all a scam and it doesn´t matter who you vote for! If they want to put a pedo, demented moron in office, they can do that too and all the people did nothing against it! They can arrest the J6th people that didn´t do anything wrong and hold them imprisoned indefinitely and nothing is done about it! So, this satanic system with all it´s psychopaths can basically do what ever it wants, without +/-330 Million people rising up!
How bad does it have to get before people are having enough? I think there is nothing that will get people to rise up and taking action to remove this evil, they will rather succumb and do whatever they´re ordered to do! It really is that sick and insane!
10 months ago
I will dance in the street if this knob goes to prison. He supported both the official narrative of the virus, leading to lockdowns, mandates and a jab that kills out of all proportion to the fairly harmless by comparison, virus. He then offers full support to Israel and whatever genocide they are causing, completely unaware that the REAL criminals in this world have in mind “Gaza and Rafa today, rest of Goy world tomorrow.” They will level entire cities like London, Beijing and New York to the ground while getting you to believe that something else, what I don’t know, aliens? did it 👽👽👽
Take it from me, the only place in the Universe God set up life in is EARTH 🌍
10 months ago
Trump found GUILTY Big Deal. Like Clinton before him, NOTHING will come out of it. Ask those duped J6ers how they're doing.
10 months ago
20 years for 34 counts of prostitute evasion! Sounds about right. Al Capone, a mafia mobster, evaded criminal prosecution until the IRS took him down for tax evasion. The "Don" Trump, a mafia mobster, evaded criminal prosecution until an adult film star took him down for "prostitute evasion." Oh, the side-splitting irony. Karma has a wicked sense of humor.