The incident happened on May 4 near San Diego, as reported by local residents who sent footage to the Rooted Wings Substack. The residents on all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) said they were riding along the section of the border in Jacumba Valley, when they encountered a cartel operative who threw a ladder over the border barrier.
The operative then began ushering illegals into U.S. soil, with most of the new arrivals being of Middle Eastern appearance. Once on the ground, the illegals were recorded changing into fresh clothes and taking pictures and videos of themselves to circulate back in their home countries – inspiring more prospective border crossers to enter illegally.
A female USBP agent arrived at the scene, but this did not deter the border crossers. "We saw a Border Patrol agent just watching," the riders recounted. "It was a bizarre encounter with Border Patrol – we witnessed her high-fiving the people that crossed."
"When we went to ask some questions, we were told immediately to stop filming. She then drove off and blocked us from filming the people crossing the fence."
One clip exclusively published on the Rooted Wings Substack showed the USBP agent apparently maneuvering her vehicle to prevent the ATV riders from coming closer to the group of illegals. "She's blocking our way," a man in the video said as the USBP agent reverses the vehicle in to the ATV riders' path. The illegals were reportedly loaded into vans and whisked away to an unknown location.
According to InfoWars, the May 4 incident came amid the USBP's San Diego Sector becoming the busiest border crossing section for the first time since 1999. More than 37,000 "encounters" were reportedly recorded in April, with more than 10,000 of them happening during the final week of that month.
San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond, who represents the county's fifth district, shared on X that more than 140,000 single adult migrants have been released in the county's streets since September of last year. This number excludes families, so-called "vulnerable people" and "gotaways," he added. (Related: Californians now ARMING themselves after Border Patrol dumps illegals on the streets.)
The author behind the Substack page noted two things about the videos. First, they highlighted "the complicity of government standing down as our country is illegally invaded in real time, and then providing assistance to shuttle the illegal foreigners deeper into America." Second, they pointed to the "brazen lack of respect and fear of punishment by the foreigners as they break into our country in front of Border Patrol in broad daylight."
"The children who have been smuggled in illegally have not been DNA tested against the adults bringing them. [Incumbent President Joe] Biden ended [former President Donald] Trump's policy of rapid DNA testing 'families' coming through our border," they wrote.
"Once testing started in 2019, the DNA results showed that 30 percent of illegal foreigners arriving with children they claimed as theirs were not related to the children. In other words, Trump's DNA testing policy was a hedge against child trafficking [and] Biden removed this hedge."
The sources who sent the video to the Rooted Wings Substack ultimately lamented: "It's insane we're letting this all happen, seems like it's preventable but nothing is being done to stop it. Feels like California is trying to incentivize illegal crossings."
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