U.S. Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) made this announcement in the form of a press release, noting that the infectious disease expert's June 3 testimony is the first time he will do so in public since his December 2022 retirement. "Earlier this year, Fauci appeared in front of the Select Subcommittee for a closed-door, two-day, 14 hour transcribed interview," the congressman noted.
"Retirement from public service does not excuse Fauci from accountability to the American people," stressed Wenstrup. "On June 3, Americans will have an opportunity to hear directly from Dr. Fauci about his role in overseeing our nation’s pandemic response, shaping pandemic-era polices, and promoting singular questionable narratives about the origins of [the] Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19)." (Related: Fauci was secretly brought to CIA headquarters to INFLUENCE the agency’s COVID-19 origins report.)
According to the House Oversight Committee (HOC), Fauci "testified to serious systemic failures in [the U.S.] public health system that deserve further investigation." One example the committee cited was his testimony about the "six-feet-apart" social distancing guideline "sort of just appeared."
This policy was no simple matter, however, as it was used as a basis to shut down small businesses and schools across America. "This raises significant concerns about public health officials and the validity of their policy recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic," according to the HOC.
The HOC, through the subcommittee under it, also learned that Fauci "believes the lab leak hypothesis … should not be dismissed as a conspiracy theory" even though the infectious disease expert publicly downplayed it. The committee ultimately warned: "As the face of America’s public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic, these statements raise serious questions that warrant public scrutiny."
Aside from these, Fauci will also likely be asked about millions of dollars in federal grants given to EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) to conduct coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). During his closed-door interview with the subcommittee in January, he admitted to signing off on NIAID grants without personally reviewing the project proposals. Fauci also acknowledged that the hypothesis of COVID-19 leaking out of the WIV's lab was not a conspiracy theory.
EHA President Peter Daszak was also interviewed by the House COVID-19 Select Subcommittee on May 1, with his testimony serving as a crucial component of the panel's investigation into the origins of COVID-19. It will also provide an essential background ahead of Fauci's June 3 public testimony.
Independent journalist Kyle Becker wrote that Fauci's testimony will come in the wake of bombshell new emails between Daszak and Fauci's aide David Morens. The EHA president's email noted the WIV having "more than 15,000 samples" of coronaviruses years before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out.
"EHA was a cut-out group for the [U.S. Department of Defense] and [the] National Institutes of Health to fund risky and illegal gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab in China," Becker continued.
"Fauci is on the record discrediting the man-made theory of SARS-CoV-2 publicly, while working behind the scenes to suppress scientific dissent that the theory was possible. The NIAID chief eventually pushed scientists at Science magazine to call it a 'conspiracy theory' while pushing the bat/wet market theory. [But] the Department of Energy and [the] Federal Bureau of Investigation have published reports supporting the view that it is likely that COVID-19 was a 'man-made' virus."
Head over to FauciTruth.com for similar stories.
Watch this May 2021 video of Dr. Anthony Fauci lying to Congress about gain-of-function research.
This video is from the alltheworldsastage channel on Brighteon.com.
Unearthed emails prove Fauci was aware of unnatural COVID-19 origins, WIV gain-of-function research.
Dr. Fauci was “smuggled” into CIA HQ to “influence” an investigation into the origins of COVID-19.
Scientists concede they lied about covid lab “leak” to cover for Fauci.
Sources include:
11 months ago
YES!!!!! Fauci will get ANOTHER hard finger shaking!!!! Naughty, naughty Fauci. Those finger shakings have been SO EFFECTIVE. NOT!!
11 months ago
Just use the Hilerbeast tactics Fauci, you genocidal murdering bastard. Just continuously say "I don't recall.". It is good to know that you are at an age where your trip to eternal damnation draweth nigh. Water! Water! I need water!
11 months ago • edited
He's memorizing, practicing and rehearsing the preplanned script every day until the Con-gressional KABUKI Theatrical performance begins!!!