It turns out that CDC higher-ups knew early on that the mRNA (modRNA) injections from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna caused multiple deaths before they claimed publicly that there was "no evidence" linking the shots to early mortality.
Myocarditis, or heart inflammation, was confirmed as being an adverse effect of the injections, the investigation uncovered. Internal files show that myocarditis was also listed on death certificates and in autopsies linked to the shots.
CDC employees discovered that patients typically start showing symptoms within 42 days of getting a jab dose. Those who ended up dying were determined to have no virus-related symptoms, meaning their deaths were caused by the shots and not the disease.
Symptoms or deaths that occurred after 42 days were more loosely linked to the shots with the CDC indicating that it is unclear after that point whether or not the injections were responsible.
(Related: Assuming COVID injections really work as claimed, the CDC's own data shows that only one person derives any benefits per one million jabs delivered.)
According to Dr. Clare Craig, a British pathologist and co-chair of the Health Advisory and Recovery Team Group, the new revelations show that it is "absolutely" safe to say now that COVID injections are responsible for all of the non-virus, myocarditis-caused deaths that occurred within 42 days of getting jabbed.
Even though the CDC said otherwise publicly back in late 2021, it is clear from the latest data that COVID injections destroy the heart and kill many. Still, the CDC is denying that any of the criteria-meeting injuries and deaths catalogued in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) are attributable to the mRNA injections from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.
In a June 13, 2023, letter to The Epoch Times, which broke the story, the CDC said there are no corresponding deaths reported to VAERS for which the agency can say that the shots "caused or contributed to the deaths."
"That's a scandal where you have information like this and you continue to put out this dishonest line that there's only seven deaths and they're all unrelated to the mRNA vaccines," commented Dr. Andrew Bostom, a U.S.-based heart expert, referring to seven thrombocytopenia deaths that the CDC did admit were caused by the Johnson & Johnson COVID injection.
The CDC, Bostom continued, is "concealing these deaths."
For some unknown reason, the CDC does not consider autopsies or death certificates as valid evidence of causality.
"Determining a person's cause of death is done by the certifying official, physician, medical examiner, or coroner who completes the death certificate," said a CDC spokeswoman after being presented with the case file along with dozens of questions about it.
When pressed further about the matter, the CDC spokeswoman refused to respond any further, citing "privacy and confidentiality."
"They are taking the exact opposite approach to COVID deaths!" Craig added. "Every death after a test was a COVID death. No death after a vaccine is a vaccine death!"
The case file, which was obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, was never reported. It contains an outline of the CDC's investigations into multiple reports of suspected myocarditis and pericarditis following COVID "vaccination."
Through April 13, 2023, the CDC examined 4,780 such reports of heart inflammation caused by COVID jabs, 101 of which resulted in death. CDC employees marked many of these reports as being linked to COVID jabs, but the agency's top dogs basically swept it all under the rug.
The latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" can be found at
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