In November 2019, four months before the implementation of the Coronavirus Act that led to the national lockdown, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council published its "Absolute Zero" report.
The report, made in collaboration with five prestigious U.K. universities, told the British government that it should shut down all U.K. airports by 2029, impose a total ban on beef and lamb consumption and prohibit the construction of new buildings. These were the steps necessary to achieve so-called net-zero emissions by 2050.
According to the report, all major British airports, including Heathrow, Glasgow and Belfast International, must close between 2020 and 2029. Airports can only stay open if their transfers to and from facilities are done via rail. Subsequently, all remaining airports are slated for closure between 2030 and 2049. Every citizen in the U.K. must "stop using airplanes" for a specific period to meet the net zero target by 2050. (Related: UK government deliberately planning power grid BLACKOUTS to push climate hysteria.)
The report also called for a total ban on beef and lamb consumption, starting with a 50 percent consumption reduction by 2029 and a continued gradual phaseout of all beef and lamb consumption from 2030 to 2049.
Additionally, the report confirms that construction of new buildings will be prohibited by 2050 due to the diminished value of carbon-dependent assets.
However, the supposedly gradual phasing out of flying, shipping, lamb and beef and blast furnace steel and cement accelerated following the implementation of the Coronavirus Act and a subsequent national lockdown in March 2020.
Independent British news site The Expose argued that the stringent lockdown measures were not solely to curb the spread of COVID-19, but rather served the dual purpose of fulfilling environmental obligations.
"Is it just a coincidence that four months after the release of the report, the U.K. government brought in the Coronavirus Act and implemented a national lockdown which has decimated the travel industry? A quick read through the report certainly suggests the real reason for the lockdown may have been so that the Government could meet its legal commitment to reduce emissions."
The Expose also warned the public that the British government is prepared to use psychological manipulation and coercion to push its drastic climate change agenda, just like how it manipulated people during the pandemic.
"You may be wondering how on earth they are going to get the support of the public in shutting the airports and stopping the consumption of beef and lamb? Well, we could argue they are already well on their way to ensuring the closure of many airports thanks to the draconian laws that the British people have been living under since March 2020 in the name of protecting the NHS and saving lives," wrote The Expose.
In another report, The Expose revealed how the British government resorted to "medical fascism" during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
According to the documents, the British government manipulated public perception and behavior by increasing the sense of personal threat through emotional messaging and leveraging social pressure. And even after the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, the administration introduced the potential implementation of vaccine passports to continue enforcing restrictions despite promising a return to normalcy.
In turn, The Expose argued that the British government would "use the exact same tactics" to ensure people would "allow all airports to close and never eat beef or lamb again."
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Watch the video below to learn about the truth behind climate change.
This video is from the Deprogram your Mind channel on
PBS unveils “climate psychology therapist” to help mentally ill climate fanatics cope with carbon.
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