The sources for this information include both western news publishers (Reuters) as well as Al Jazeera, RT and Middle East Eye. Here's my current assessment of where we are:
- Iran launched an estimated 300+ drones and missiles at mostly rural military targets in Israel, deliberately avoiding civilian targets. Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) releases a statement: “In response to the crime of the Zionist regime in the attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus, the IRGC air force hit certain targets in the territories of the Zionist regime with dozens of drones and missiles.”
- Panic buying of food and supplies across Israel, including Tel Aviv.
- Iran says this is the conclusion of its response to Israel’s April 1 attack on Iran’s consulate building in Damascus.
- Iran has a right to respond to Israel’s violent April 1 attack, under UN Charter, Article 51: (
“Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of collective or individual self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a member of the United Nations...”
- Israel provoked Iran with its illegal missile strike against Iran’s consulate building in Damascus, Syria, on April 1, killing several high-ranking Iranian military leaders. This was an act of war by Israel.
- The U.S. and UN utterly failed to condemn Israel’s illegal and highly destabilizing April 1 attack on Damascus, confirming that western nations will never hold Israel accountable to any rule of law, any conventions, treaties or UN demands. Had western nations condemned Israel, Iran says it would not have deemed its response necessary.
- When the west claims Iran is “escalating” war in the region, this is a dishonest assessment. Israel escalated the war by provoking Iran in the first place. Iran responded with a very measured, limited response, not an escalatory wave.
- Israel’s claim of intercepting “99%” of Iran’s incoming drones and missiles is, of course, complete propaganda. The first wave accomplished exactly what Iran had planned: Forcing Israel to use up its anti-air defense munitions, knowing the U.S. can’t replace them in a timely manner.
- Iran now claims to have disabled some portion of Israel’s Iron Dome defense systems through cyber hacking (unverified).
- Israel now says it plans to retaliate against Iran for Iran’s retaliation against Israel’s April 1 attack. This means Israel is now escalating the conflict even further, which is exactly what Israel hoped to achieve.
- Israel has already begun to launch missile attacks on Tehran, with several explosions reported.
- In provoking Iran, Israel hopes to sweep the United States into a war with Iran so that U.S. soldiers will die for Israel and Iran will be weakened by U.S. military attacks.
- Iran’s first wave of attacks was very limited, but if pushed by another escalation from Israel, Iran may increase the firepower of its attacks and begin targeting key Israeli infrastructure.
- If the U.S. gets involved in attacking Iran, Russia says it cannot stand by and do nothing, and will have to come to the aid of Iran in terms of military defense.
- Russian fighter jets are now running Combat Air Patrol missions in Iraq, in order to intercept any U.S. fighters or bombers that might enter the area to attack Iran.
- If this escalation continues, given the sociopathic leaders of Israel, there is a very real risk that Israel could attempt to unleash nuclear weapons. If this occurs, Iran is the likely target, as well as Damascus, Syria. Should Israel unleash nuclear weapons, Russia is almost certain to begin retaliating against Israel with its own nuclear weapons which are delivered via hypersonic missiles for which there is no western defense.
- The U.S. Navy is highly vulnerable to Russia’s nuclear weapons, including Kinzhal hypersonic missiles which are nuclear capable. Just one nuclear strike could sink multiple U.S. Navy vessels and end U.S. Navy dominance in the region.
- It is rumored that Iran already possesses nuclear weapons and may be prepared to use them against Israel if Iran believes it is facing an existential threat.
- Pakistan also has nuclear weapons and could deliver those weapons to Turkey, if Turkey were to be brought into the conflict.
- A date has been announced for the red heifer sacrifice in Jerusalem. It is April 22nd. Should this sacrifice occur, it will set off a region-wide revolt among Muslims who see Zionists as trying to pursue biblical acceleration of their apocalypse that zionists believe will see God save Israel from Russia and the Muslims. (Basically all the worst parts of the End Times described in the Bible.)
- Iran is capable of blocking the Straight of Hormuz and effectively cutting of much of the world’s oil supply.
- Gold will skyrocket. Oil will skyrocket.
- Take this opportunity to get prepared with all the obvious supplies: Food, iodine, emergency comms systems (sat phones, radio, etc.).
- Our emergency backup comms channel is, described here:
This week we announced the launch of the revolutionary Why revolutionary? Because it is a decentralized, peer-to-peer (P2P), uncensorable, non-confiscatable social media content platform with no hosting servers at all.
The entire platform, which is based on the open source code of, runs across hundreds of traffic nodes located around the world, relying on traffic to be shared by 1+ million users all over the globe.
The entire platform is uncensorable. It cannot be taken down by any government or law enforcement entity. And when you run the P2P app (available at this link), your traffic no longer needs domain name resolution, meaning even if global DNS is taken down (the "internet kill switch"), will continue to function through the free apps. (Windows, Android APK and Linux available now, Mac and iPhone coming later.)
Because of its incredible resilience and decentralized structure, is our emergency comms channel. If you want to be able to keep in touch when the internet kill switch is activated, this is the way to do it. Follow me there at
Listen to the full podcast here:
Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is the founding editor of, a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on called "Food Forensics"), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics.
Mike Adams also serves as the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation.
In his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products.
Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness.
12 months ago • edited
Iran is doing their part. Even though the state of Rothschi-el brought this on themselves, it's going to drag Russia and China into a PLANNED (they ALL are) world war. The powers that ought not be don't give two hoots on blowing the planet up. THEY are totally insane.
12 months ago
Welcome back to the 1970s middle east!!!!
12 months ago
"israel" will have no choice but to use its nukes!
Their diaper-clad soldiers are worthless and
far too few to fight the whole (Free) World!
They have many times said thay would nuke us if we turned our backs on them!
That time has come!
And, as I said before the Eclipse, it portends the
end of "israel"!
12 months ago
Thinking more along the lines of God blessing those who bless Israel and the opposite, I can’t help but think of the Health Ranger. How?
Looking at how many friends, followers and likes this funky fun geezer from Texas gets.
I don’t get round to listening to all his podcasts because I’m busy, but I listen when I can, and so do hundreds.
Haven’t bought any of his vitamins. Why not? Still got my Holland and Barrett’s loyalty card LOL 😁
Bit bad how Twitter still disallow links to Brighteon. This website promotes all round good ideas for preppers and anyone interested. There was even a steam train video 🚂. How many hate sites do you know that post steam trains ? 🫨. Side note: steam trains still work when the grid’s down. The bullet train is all lectric ⚡️
Trust Mike accepts my gee and doesn’t think I’ve got ulterior motives 😆. God bless him because I see no evidence of God cursing him for posting a dislike of the State of Israel as led by Netanyahu who has more in common with a Golden Calf worshipper than the ideals of Patriarchs like Abraham and Moses ✡️
12 months ago
Sure except your propaganda has a problem, Kingdom of Jordan just provided military assistance to Israel against Iran...
12 months ago
It's a fraud when Iran says their attack is over... they spend every day trying to destroy Israel, propaganda & proxies, even pre-October 7th. Listening to Biden & his barbarian plebs would prove a fatal mistake. Iran needs to die & their corp actors' cadavers sent to Moscow.
12 months ago
The good thing is your friends die & mine don't.
12 months ago
The only crime I see here is using a civilian population to impede attacks on a foreign non-Native non-mediterranean unlawful combatant religious extremist nationalsocialist stateless terror plebs .. (Rome Statute War Crimes), violation of Geneva Convention, Additional Protocol I, Art 51(7)
12 months ago
I am not glad this has happened. I hate war and I haven’t even lived through one. Our Religions teach forgiveness and love thy neighbour, am I right? ✝️☪️✡️
I am not glad, merely INTERESTED. How?
If Israel is put there and looked after by God then Iran is going to experience nothing but bad luck from now on. For example, The US and the UN send peacekeeping forces to look after Iran for now. This means that it is no longer an Islamic Republic ruled by Allah if a foreign power take it over. I gather the WHO want to do this to us to stop pandemics but I digress.
If on the other hand Iran do, not perfect, it might take help from Russia for example. Iran economically might prosper and join Bricks say. Now there is proof staring us in the face that God has not looked after Israel in the way we expected. I would have some SERIOUS questions to Church Leaders and politicians if Iran win.
God is great ✊
12 months ago
Sticks and stones to follow (per Einstein).