In 2009, Pfizer was ordered to pay $2.3 billion in what the United States federal government announced was "the largest medical fraud settlement in U.S. history." Basically, Pfizer had committed so many crimes pertaining to its vaccines and other pharmaceutical poisons that the litigation piled up sky-high, resulting in a massive settlement windfall.
At the heart of the $2.3 billion settlement was Pfizer's illicit marketing of its drugs for purposes not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Pfizer was deemed to have committed "fraudulent marketing" and the company agreed to settle for these crimes at a dollar amount higher than any other in Big Pharma history.
In 2009, Pfizer pleaded "guilty to a felony violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act," though none of its executives, including the company's CEO, were held criminally liable. Instead, the company paid the fee and continued on, eventually becoming the leading candidate in the Operation Warp Speed scheme of the administration of former President Donald Trump. (Related: Did you hear? New research has found that mRNA injections "could have fatal consequences" – so beware!)
While Pfizer was told back in 2009 to "cease its conduct of criminal activities," the company did no such thing, despite entering into "an expansive corporate integrity agreement" with the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
That agreement was supposed to stop Pfizer from ever again committing the same types of crimes. And yet here we are in 2024 with untold millions of people in the U.S. alone who were harmed or killed by Pfizer's mRNA COVID injections, which were also falsely advertised as "safe and effective."
It should be noted that back in 2009 when Pfizer entered the agreement with the OIG, the HHS was headed up by none other than Anthony Fauci. This is presumably why Pfizer was never really held accountable for its crimes against humanity, and why Pfizer would go on to commit even more crimes against humanity during COVID.
"Pfizer has casually violated the conditions of its 2009-2013 four-year probation," reported Global Research about what transpired.
"That 'similar conduct' by Pfizer has been repeated in 2020-2023 in relation to a very dangerous substance (mRNA Vaccine), on a much larger scale (compared to Bextra, Celebrex in 2009)."
In other words, what we are seeing now is what happened in 2009 but on a much larger scale.
"What is unfolding is the worldwide 'fraudulent marketing' of a 'killer vaccine,'" Global Research explains. "The level of criminality is beyond description."
What was supposed to protect people from a scary Chinese virus ended up killing people en masse, driving up excess mortality all around the world. Pfizer in its own documents admits that its mRNA injection for COVID is deadly, but the world was never told about it.
"Neither the media nor the governments of 190 countries (with some exceptions) have had the courage to inform the broader public," reports explain. "From a legal standpoint, the Pfizer's [sic] CEOs who violated the DOJ clauses pertaining to their 2009 probation should have been arrested.
What Pfizer is guilty of is already far worse than anything mobster Al Capone did prior to being indicted on charges of tax evasion in 1931. And we know that Hollywood has made numerous productions out of Capone's crimes – will they do the same thing to Pfizer?
The latest news about Pfizer and its deadly pharmaceutical poisons can be found at
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