In a 6-1 vote, members of the Columbia City Council voted to make the city an "LGBTQ Safe Haven" on Feb. 20. According to KRCG 13 reporter Mark Slavit, the ordinance sought to ensure LGBT individuals, families, and establishments "felt safe within the community." Moreover, the Columbia Daily Tribune also mentioned that the ordinance includes language "referencing potential future state laws barring bathroom access for transgender individuals or public drag performances."
"Public comment on … [the] ordinance lasted nearly 3 hours with more support for the measure than (the) opposition," Slavit continued. Meanwhile, the Tribune said comments against the ordinance cited city protections already in place and warned of state law being potentially skirted. Moreover, opponents also cited that the ordinance could seemingly create special protected classes.
"This ordinance is not merely a political statement or gesture of performant tokenism," Mid-Missouri Pride Fest spokesman Joe Jefferies told the city council. "It is a vital step toward safeguarding the human rights of queer [city residents], enabling them to thrive safely within Columbia's city limits."
Two city council members who voted in favor of the measure spoke to the Columbia Missourian about their vote. "A couple of folks … had mentioned that [passing] this [ordinance] is the bare minimum, and I have to agree," said Councilman Nick Foster, who represents Columbia's fourth ward.
Councilman Roy Lovelady, who represents the city's third ward, explicitly wore a Rainbow Pride pin during the session. Lovelady, who is a drag queen himself, explained that he wanted everyone "to feel safe" while in the city. (Related: LGBT PERVERSION: Gov. Tim Walz signs EO making Minnesota a sanctuary and “refuge” state for doctors to chemically and surgically mutilate children.)
Councilman Don Waterman, who represents the city's fifth ward, was the lone dissenting vote. "I would wholeheartedly support a resolution, but an ordinance, I don’t see the need for it," he said. "That said, this ordinance for me is not really necessary – [and] I base that on several things."
According to Waterman, Columbia was already considered a safe haven by some who came there, and the new ordinance cannot impact state laws that are already in place. He also added that he doesn't see how the new ordinance will change the hearts and minds of residents.
KCRG 13 also mentioned that Waterman and the other council members heard complaints from transgenders about trouble in public bathrooms and bullying. However, the fifth ward councilman remarked that the newly passed ordinance won't prevent those problems.
"Bullying is something that's happened throughout history. It continues to happen, unfortunately," said Waterman. "A piece of paper is not going to stop bullying."
Some community members also thought the ordinance was unnecessary. Pastor Tom Leuther of the Family Worship Center also expressed opposition to the ordinance during the Feb. 20 city council session.
"We don't have to reinvent the wheel," he addressed the attendees and the city authorities. "We already have a good wheel going here in a safe community."
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