Roy joined Brighteon founder Mike Adams on the "Health Ranger Report" to announce another collaborative effort on a new design as well as innovations to some existing ones. "Coming up for 2024 is a machete," Adams said. "But it's not like a crazy, long, thin, South American machete. It's more like a North American machete."
According to Roy, it is going to be similar to the Collins machete, a very American iconic type of World War One machete. "It's going to be extremely good at handling the North American wilderness but able to handle the urban setting of what we're having to deal with," he explained.
"This machete will help you get out of an urban environment and be able to survive in the North American wilderness," Adams added. "It'll be able to handle your camp chores. It's going to have some of the features of the 'Escape from LA' knife incorporated into this. The weight and balance are going to be impeccable and when you put it in your hand, it is just going to flow really well."
Adams lauded Dawson Knives for crafting these types of tools that are corrosion-resistant and handy. "I can just strap it to my ranch vehicle. I need to perform a lot of really common tasks with a functional blade that I don't want to have to think about, 'Oh, I left it inside. I got to go get it. I want to strap it on to the vehicle,' which means it's going to be subjected to moisture and other elements and yet stay rust-free." Roy also pointed out that the up-and-coming machete design will have the strength needed for cutting foliage in the wilderness without being overly heavy.
Dawson will also be improving the existing line of products, including the "Mass Ratio" bushcraft knife, which is a 9.5-inch tool made of 0.140" CPM MagnaCut American-made stainless steel with textured G10 handle that does not swell, split, warp or crack.
"It's doing a lot of function for this size. This knife has been through the paces not only for a bushcraft knife, but it has skinned down about three to three and a half elk. We took it hunting and it worked amazingly," Roy said. "With all the functions that you can do with it, you can still make a spear out of it. You still have the screwdriver function in it, it can work great for captures' skinning and you can baton with it."
The four designs that Adams created with Roy are also available at the Health Ranger Store. (Related: New survival gear videos from the Health Ranger: Muddy pistols, knife skills and "smart" self-defense training.)
Elsewhere in the show, Roy also announced an upcoming line of products from Dawson Knives and tech mogul Elon Musk's spacecraft manufacturer, launch service provider, defense contractor and satellite communications company. "We will be coming out – and it'll be a very limited run – with some models of knives with carbon fiber handles that are actually carbon fiber made here in America and drop from SpaceX," he said.
According to the knifemaker, he had a friend who worked at SpaceX. To them, carbon fiber was just waste. "So, when he gave me a little tour in the office I said, 'What do you do with all that carbon fiber?' He answered: 'We got to get rid of that.' So, I asked for it," he said. "I said I'll pay you for it and that way we can put it on these knives. We worked out a deal within them and instead of having to pay money to dispose of it, we're able to get that carbon fiber."
Moreover, they will have another run of "Tomahawk" in March and April. "We have the steel coming in for just that," Roy said.
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Watch the full episode of the "Health Ranger Report" with Mike Adams featuring John Roy below.
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