The latest to do so are the judges and county commissioners of Bandera County near San Antonio and Scheicher and Uvalde counties. Bandera and Scheicher signed nearly identical resolutions to Crockett County. (Related: INVASION USA: Swarm of military-aged immigrants arriving in Texas, citizen journalist warns.)
Crockett County declared an invasion after family members of its county judge were killed by an alleged human trafficker. Uvalde's invasion resolution is similar to a resolution passed by the judge of Atascosa County south of San Antonio.
Many of the 50 counties that have passed invasion resolutions are among the 58 Texas counties that previously issued disaster declarations, following the example of border county Kinney County, which warned of the ongoing migrant crisis on April 21, 2021. This was followed by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issuing a state disaster declaration on behalf of all of the state's counties a month later.
These counties then partnered with the state government on expanded border security efforts. The governor renews this state disaster declaration every 30 days to allow counties to keep combatting "the ongoing influx of unlawful immigrants and authorizes the use of all necessary and available state and local resources to protect landowners in these counties from trespassers and the damage caused to private property."
So far, nearly 40 percent of the state's 254 counties have either issued disaster declarations or invasion resolutions, or both, due to the ongoing border crisis.
The 50 counties that have passed invasion resolutions all cite Article IV, Section 4, Clause 2 of the Constitution, also known as the "invasion clause" or the "guarantee clause," which states: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion…" Meaning, that the federal government is constitutionally required to protect states from invasion.
These counties also cite Article IV, Section 7 of the Texas constitution, which states that the governor has the legal authority to command the military of Texas and call them up to "suppress insurrection and to repel invasions."
The counties also cite the work of Abbott's border program, Operation Lone Star, which has Texas law enforcement officers interdicting the "smuggling of drugs, weapons and cartel-trafficked people into Texas" and is working to "prevent, detect and interdict transnational criminal activity between ports of entry."
The counties pointed out that the administration of President Joe Biden is responsible for the border crisis, citing the fact that an estimated 10 million people have illegally entered the country since Biden took office in 2021. In the 2023 fiscal year alone, nearly two million people illegally entered Texas.
"The invasion is unsustainable and threatens the lives of our citizens," noted Texas county officials. They also express support for the border counties who are the front line against the invasion, but add that even their own non-border communities "cannot absorb the socioeconomic costs and criminal impact resulting from … an unsecure and open border."
"Why wouldn't you declare an invasion," said Atascosa County Judge Westone Cude, who has been encouraging judges in dozens of other counties to declare an invasion since he came into office a year ago. He has successfully created a contiguous county coalition to come up with solutions and express support for border counties.
"If you have people from all over the world coming into your country by bus, plane or smuggling people and drugs, why wouldn't you declare an invasion?" said Cude. He and other county officials all over the state are calling on Congress to cut funding that has enabled Biden's failed border policies, including the federal government's current "catch and release" policy.
"Texas is leading on border security and Texans will defend our state and our country," said Cude. "We fought two wars over this border. Texans and Americans died and bled for this border, our state and this country. It is worth defending and we must defend it. Without a border, without enforcing our laws, we don't have a state or a country."
Watch this episode of the "Health Ranger Report" as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, meets with retired Col. Pete Chambers to discuss the state of immigration and border security in Texas.
This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on
NEW RECORD: Border Patrol reports 302,000 illegal migrant encounters in December alone.
America's foreign-born population SURGES to nearly 50 MILLION under Biden.
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1 year ago
When you enter a country illegally without being forced to do so by any person or circumstance, then you state, without any doubt whatsoever, that you couldn't care less for the constitution of that country.
When the legal citizens of that country allow such illegals to live in their country, then they state, without any doubt whatsoever, that they too couldn't care less for the constitution of their country.
1 year ago
and we tought the russians want to invade us...its our own government selling us.
1 year ago
This invasion of our Country is absurd. Biden/Harris will be seen as the worst Presidents ever by far.
1 year ago
Yet still the Border Guard and National Guard are nothing more than Concierge services!!