The Minnesota congressman, who previously admitted to supporting Biden, exhorted voters on Nov. 25 to consider a different candidate for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination for the 2024 election. Based on previous reports, the Democratic National Committee is focused on backing Biden – who is gunning for a second term.
"As a member of [the] House Democratic leadership, I supported and promoted the Biden agenda. I campaigned for him, voted for him and respect him. But how can anyone read this and conclude he's positioned to defeat Trump? It's delusional," Phillips wrote on the X platform.
The congressman had been pertaining to a Nov. 25 article on POLITICO about Biden's dismal standing in various opinion polls, which he included in the post.
"The president's standing in head-to-head matchups with Trump is falling," said the piece by POLITICO's Steven Shepard. "Among the latest surveys this month from 13 separate pollsters, Biden's position in worse than their previous polls in all but two of them."
"While polls suggest most of the movement comes from voters abandoning Biden – who might become undecided, but not swing to supporting Trump – the Republican has also started to gain steam. Trump's vote share in the national polling average is higher now than at any point in the past year."
Phillips, who represents the North Star State in Congress, announced his run against Biden in October. While he has challenged Biden, he isn't sympathetic to Trump either.
"I will not sit still and be quiet in the face of numbers that are so clearly saying that we're going to be facing an emergency next November," the congressman said. He warned that another four-year term for Trump would be a "crisis moment for American democracy."
Even former White House Chief Strategist David Axelrod has doubts that Biden will win against Trump in the November 2024 presidential election. The erstwhile advisor to former President Barack Obama said the incumbent only has a 50 percent chance or less of winning.
"I think he has a 50-50 shot here, but no better than that; maybe a little worse," Axelrod told Maureen Dowd of the New York Times. "He thinks he can cheat nature here, and it's really risky." (Related: Former Obama advisor: Biden has "50% chance or less" of winning 2024 presidential election.)
He also warned that Biden shouldn't count on Trump helping him win. According to the former Obama administration official, failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton mistakenly thought Trump securing the GOP nomination would hand her the election. Given this, Axelrod stressed that Biden should not make the same mistake.
He also acknowledged that Biden's advanced age, coupled with his physical stumbles and verbal gaffes, could be hindrances in convincing the American electorate to vote for him once more.
"I think that there is one issue that is hanging over him," the political consultant said. "I think with Trump on the other end, he could still win this election. But the age issue is difficult."
This did not sit well with the incumbent president, who reportedly called Axelrod a "punk."
The consultant, who has been critical of Biden's age and decision to seek a second term, merely shrugged off the criticism. "I don't care about them thinking I'm a punk, that's fine," the former chief strategist told Dowd. "I hope they don't think the polls are wrong, because they're not."
Visit for more stories about the incumbent president ahead of the 2024 elections.
Watch this One America News report that tackles whether Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) can beat President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination.
This video is from the NewsClips channel on
Poll: Most voters see Biden as a POOR LEADER who cannot be trusted.
Joe Biden's favorability rating the lowest of any U.S. president in 70 years.
NOTHING NEW HERE: Poll shows 52% of Americans DISAPPROVE of Biden.
CNN Poll: Joe Biden's favorability rating drops to lowest point yet amid bribery allegations.
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over 1 year ago
If he were the Democrat nominee (he won't be, as he'll step aside), he'd have zero chance of beating Trump with a generous dose of 2am voter Viagra like he got in 2020. Straight up. He may have gotten 81 million votes. He did not have 81 million voters.
over 1 year ago
Dean Phillips is on record as saying he supports ALL of Biden's policies.