The pontiff held a meeting with Catholic bishops on the future of the Catholic Church last Oct. 4. Among the proposals was to "not stand in the way of blessings of same-sex unions in the church" – something that directly opposes its teachings. Paragraph 1614 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church mentions marriage as "the union of man and woman" – not woman and woman, or man and man.
According to the New York Post, the pope's remarks came as a response to five conservative cardinals who penned a letter challenging him to affirm certain church teachings. Some of the teachings the cardinals brought up include the LGBT community, women's ordination and papal authority.
But two MSM outlets in the U.S. – ABC and CBS – even lauded the heresy pushed by Pope Francis, and even uncritically promoted the idea of allowing "same-sex marriage" in the church. Such an idea espoused by the leftist news networks would be tantamount to the desecration of the world's greatest religion.
David Muir, an anchor on ABC's "World News Tonight" provided a news brief on what happened in the Vatican during a broadcast on the same day as the meeting.
"[Meanwhile] at the Vatican, Pope Francis [is] actually signaling change when it comes to same-sex couples at a gathering to discuss the future of the Catholic Church. Pope Francis [is] making it clear he would not stand in the way of blessings of same-sex unions in the church – the pontiff stressing 'everyone is welcome in the church.'" (Related: Pope Francis endorses LGBTQ marriage in new documentary film.)
While ABC simply reported the news straightaway, CBS went the extra mile in rationalizing the heretical idea of same-sex marriage. The Argentinian pontiff born Jorge Mario Bergoglio has previously expressed his acceptance of homosexuality, which is likewise pushed by the globalist overlords he often mingles with.
"Pope Francis opened an important meeting of Catholic bishops … on the future of the church," reported Norah O'Donnell, anchor for "CBS Evening News" on the CBS network. "Among the controversial topics – whether priests can marry, women can become deacons and if priests can bless same-sex marriages."
She then handed the segment off to CBS correspondent Chris Livesay, who reported on the meeting from Rome. He said the pontiff drafted a letter in response to the five cardinals, adding that this correspondence "opens the door for priests to bless same-sex unions."
"'We cannot be judges who only deny, reject and exclude,' declared the pontiff," Livesay reported. "This summer, Pope Francis called some of his conservative critics in the U.S. backwards."
Livesay then provoked a back-and-forth between two individuals on opposite sides of the argument. He interviewed Jamie Manson, a lesbian and president of the group Catholics for Choice. Canon lawyer Fr. Gerald Murray, a conservative priest who hails from Manhattan, was also interviewed.
The CBS correspondent described Manson as a "women's rights activist and devout Catholic." According to Livesay, Pope Francis' remarks "opens the church tent for LGBT couples, like [Manson] and her partner of four years."
"As queer people, we want to believe that God blesses our love," she told Livesay. "Affirming and embracing everyone only makes the church stronger. It is a very slim minority of Catholics who are opposed to same-sex unions."
"That's what they wish, but it's not," Murray remarked. "For the pope to say that priests and bishops can find a way to do this, it's wrong. He shouldn't do it."
The canon lawyer also referenced Manson's remarks about the tent being opened for LGBT couples, which Livesay brought up in his question. "The harm is that it contradicts Catholic teaching," Murray said.
Visit for more stories about same-sex marriages.
Watch Fr. James Altman warning that Pope Francis is not the pope in the video below.
This video is from the Rick Langley channel on
Pope Francis declares 'Jesus is Satan', vows to usher in 'One World Religion.'
Pope Francis' American cardinals are pro-LGBT revolutionaries with a radical agenda for the Church.
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over 1 year ago
This is a total lie. Pope Francis does NOT approve same sex marriage or any type same sex union. It is a complete distortion of what he said. The Church has a process called the Dubbium where several bishops question him on his doctrinal positions. He was questioned by a Dubbium of five and all five found him enforcing the Church's traditional position. He's not a Baptist preacher who waves a Bible around and thunders, "God says in his WORD!" and then quotes the Scripture. He gives the theology behind why the Church accepts this Word as doctrine. The simple minded who cannot follow a philopsophical argument don't listen long enough to undertand. Go to You Tube and search for Fr. Joseph Ianuzzi's clear explanation of this.