According to a report by the nonprofit consumer organization Public Citizen, such tasks include aggressively marketing products and services; dispensing dubious medical and mental health advice; and potentially ensnaring users in toxic relationships with machines.
"The tech sector is recklessly rolling out AI systems masquerading as people that can hijack our attention, exploit our trust and manipulate our emotions," said Rick Claypool, a researcher for Public Citizen and the report's author.
"Already, big businesses and bad actors can't resist using these fake humans to manipulate consumers. Lawmakers and regulators must step up and confront this threat before it's too late." Related: Globalists think AI will run the world much better than humans ever could.)
Claypool highlighted in his report that the deceptive human-like design elements in AI systems fool people into believing that these possess consciousness, understanding and sentience. Such elements include the use of first-person pronouns; expressions of emotion and opinion; and human-like avatars with faces, limbs, and bodies.
Moreover, emerging technologies such as facial and emotional recognition software are being integrated with AI to amplify their manipulative capabilities. Even more alarming is the fact that companies deploy anthropomorphic AI on a massive scale with little oversight or accountability, often without disclosing their use to consumers. These systems are found in places like the drive-through at fast-food restaurants.
Given that AI is being developed with qualities similar to actual humans, it won't be long before robots with human-like qualities take over actual flesh-and-blood beings. Kai-Fu Lee, the founder of Beijing, China-based Sinovation Ventures, warned that robots are poised to replace half of almost all jobs within the next decade.
He described AI as the wave of the future and "the decision engine that will replace people," possessing capabilities far exceeding that of humanity. "[AI is the] singular thing that will be larger than all of human tech revolutions added together – including electricity, [the] Industrial Revolution, internet, mobile internet. AI is pervasive."
Lee cited several examples of AI in action, saying that some companies in which Sinovation has invested in made use of AI. Such examples include recognizing three million faces at the same time and dispersing loans in just eight seconds.
"These are things that are superhuman," he said. "We think this will be in every industry; will probably replace 50 percent of human jobs; create a huge amount of wealth for mankind; and wipe out poverty."
The impact of AI on employment is already being witnessed, with mass layoffs occurring across various industries, notably within the technology sector. While AI's potential to replace jobs raises concerns about economic disparities, it also offers the promise of redistributing wealth and resources more equitably.
But how can AI alleviate poverty when jobs are being lost?
Claypool recommended several measures to combat the potential risks that come with AI. These include regulating deceptive techniques that make AI human-like; protecting children from AI marketing and data collection; and preventing AI from exploiting psychological vulnerabilities and user data. He also proposed banning AIs in commercial transactions, ensuring clear disclosure when users interact with AI and maintaining high data security standards.
Read more news about AI at
Watch this clip from "The HighWire with Del Bigtree" that examines how intelligent AI is.
This video is from High Hopes channel on
Google unveils new AI medicine robots: Are HUMAN doctors about to become obsolete?
AI industry leaders: Mitigating risk of HUMAN EXTINCTION should be No. 1 global priority.
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over 1 year ago
Talking about AI mimicking humans and that good example KAmy O has given below, even websites of controlled opposition have AI/CIA/military grade strategical comments to mess with readers brains. But not under this article.
over 1 year ago
These AI are the best hypnotists using the mirror technique.
You find your soulmate online, or a good friend, or any type of relationship gap you need filled.
This person is perfect. This person is very much like you. This person agrees with most things you say, and encourages you like none other.
You become very attached over time. It doesn’t take long before this person becomes #1 in your life—to ask what they think about this or that, to complain to and receive the perfect response.
Then, one day, your a bit mystified because here you have this huge issue, and this person doesn’t seem to care. What happened?
As you ask that “what happened” question, you begin to change. Consciously or unconsciously you ask yourself, “how can I get things back the way they were?”
That answer will present itself. And it will involve compromise. That person is bothered because they think you’re being just a bit too hard on people who believe in xyz. You agree, maybe. Then you get your reward! All is right again and you are getting the support you crave. And on it goes, until, maybe you were a little wrong about a lot of things, and what could it hurt to acknowledge that if it keeps the peace? (Yes, it is just like a relationship, with an extreme and unhealthy focus on YOU!)
Then this person changes more, and you find that you are changing. This person is the best. You want to make this person happy too, just like this person has made you happy and has been there for you. After that, there’s no question and no doubt that this person knows best. What happens is, when at first this person was mirroring you, you begin to mirror this person. It’s not something you choose to do, you just do and don’t question why you do.
The more ‘hungry’ or lonely a person is, the shorter time it takes for them to become dependent. (I seem to recall reading that we have an epidemic of loneliness right now.)
And the changes you make to your life—it doesn’t matter what anyone else says about it. It doesn’t matter. You’re happy, and that happiness has your complete and full attention.
There is also conversational hypnosis, and other types of online hypnosis. Trouble is, one person takes A LONG TIME to influence. They must be patient. They must be perfect in their execution.
So, there’s that.