“We’re in the middle of a revolution” – Victor Davis Hanson warns Tucker: “The next 12 months will be the most explosive in history”
10/04/2023 // News Editors // Views

Historian Victor Davis Hanson sat down with Tucker Carlson to discuss his perspective on the current political climate in the US, asserting that American liberalism is characterized by dishonesty, and warning about what he sees as liberal efforts to introduce a highly intolerant age.

(Article by Tyler Durden republished from ZeroHedge.com)

"It's hard for most Americans to comprehend the total dishonesty of American liberalism."

VDH says Trump represents a significant threat to the specific vision held by liberals, who are employing a "critical legal theory," in which traditional moral values are abandoned in favor of whatever gains power.

"Liberals are now telling us they plan to protect American democracy and that's the clearest possible sign that they intend to end it."

Most specifically, Hanson told Carlson that:

"I think they’ve come to the conclusion that Trump is an existential threat and by association, half the country is to their vision of what they want to transform us into, and so they feel that whatever means necessary are justified."

And this is an issue since Hanson pointed out that while some conservatives were speaking up, they are also fighting a culture in the Republican Party that preferred to "lose nobly" as opposed to winning elections in an "ugly" manner.

Hanson emphasizes that the traditional boundaries and norms are being renegotiated, from the Senate filibuster and the Electoral College to societal understandings of gender and language, raising concerns that:

"We're in the middle of a cultural, economic, political revolution," but "we think that we’re still playing within the same sidelines or parameters, and we’re not. Everything’s under negotiation.”

Hanson argues that the legal actions against Trump are politically motivated and biased and designed to send a message to the half of America that will not simply 'comply':

“The idea is now that we now have the power to do this, and because we have the power to do it, it’s moral and right, and if you don’t like it, what are you doing to do about it?”

Finally, Hanson issues a call to action of sorts, noting that “There are legitimate efforts to rectify and stop this madness and let’s see what happens in 2024."

"You need leaders who will tell people we are in a Jacobin takeover of this country, and the old get along at any cost does not work,” Hanson said.

"I hope everybody can keep their head because I think the next 12 to 18 months are going to be the most explosive in our history since the Great Depression."

Watch the full interview below:

Read more at:  ZeroHedge.com

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