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Mining for “clean energy” minerals has left more than 23 million people exposed to TOXIC WASTE in their water, environment
09/28/2023 // Ethan Huff // 6.6K Views

A new study has found that tens of millions of people worldwide are now exposed to toxic water runoff as a direct result of "green" metals mining operations.

The reckless transition to "clean" energy has created an environmental disaster of epic proportions, the paper reveals. In just the few short years that green energy has been a thing, harvesting it has already caused more ecological damage to the planet than has the more than 150 years' worth of drilling and mining for earth-based "fossil" fuels that has occurred since the industrial revolution.

What this means, of course, is that green energy is anything but clean, and is certainly not good for the environment. By comparison, earth-based fuels are much safer for the environment, not to mention cheaper and much more reliable for economic strength and prosperity.

All in all, some 23 million people worldwide – this is more than the number of people who live in the entire state of Florida – as well as 5.72 million heads of livestock; more than 16 million acres of irrigated farmland; and nearly 300,000 miles worth of rivers are all now contaminated by toxic byproducts of clean energy mining operations.

"This metal mining includes many so-called 'rare earth elements' essential to the manufacture of high-tech electronics, solar cells, wind turbines and all the batteries needed to store sustainable 'green' energy (and power electric cars and iPhones)," noted the DailyMail Online (United Kingdom).

(Related: The lithium mineral used by the "clean" energy industry to produce electric vehicle [EV] batteries is under attack by environmentalists who say that it, too, is toxic for the environment.)

Clean energy also exploits children; Apple, Google, Tesla and others now being SUED for child slavery

Besides destroying the planet, the green industry is also exploiting underage children by using them as child slaves to mine minerals like cobalt, which is used by tech firms like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Tesla, and others to build their overpriced, highly outsourced products.

There are actually several lawsuits currently in the works against these multinational corporations, all of which are exploiting underage children who are being sent into dangerous mines to pull up minerals for the next release of the iPhone, or for the next Tesla model from Elon Musk.

Some 70 percent of the tech industry's cobalt comes from Congo where children are being abused and even killed for pennies a day just so multinational corporate fat cats like Tim Cook of Apple and Elon Musk of Tesla can race to the top of the wealth pyramid.

"Rapid growth in global metal mining is crucial if the world is to make the transition to green energy," said Chris Thomas, a zoologist at the University of Lincoln in the UK and the study's lead author, about how the problem is only going to get worse, creating even more problems for the environment and the people who live in its most damaged areas.

With the help of his colleagues, Thomas has developed a new database supported by on-the-ground testing that maps out the hundreds of square miles' worth of rivers and floodplains that are now contaminated, possibly beyond repair, due to green industry mining operations.

Amazingly, the worst-off region of the world as far as all of this goes is North America, which now has 123,280 miles of tainted river systems and about 10.7 million acres of polluted floodplains.

"The unfortunate thing is that you can feed the indoctrinated these types of facts and truth all day long and it won't make a difference," one commenter wrote about how many in the green cult are already too far gone to ever accept these truths.

"Once they're brainwashed to the "cause," it's all over."

The latest news about the global destruction taking place at the hands of "green" climate extremists can be found at GreenTyranny.news.

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