DEMONIC: Radio station in Germany promotes pedophilia, sympathizes with how predators constantly “fight their urges”
08/22/2023 // Belle Carter // Views

A public radio station in Germany recently aired a segment wherein it celebrated a man who described himself as a "non-offending pedophile." The network promoted sympathy for the pedos, who according to the show, are constantly fighting their urges to molest and rape children, as if the world has to be grateful for their "benevolent efforts."

Deutschlandfunk (DLF) on July 26 broadcasted its episode entitled "Under Control – How Pedophiles Live With Their Addiction," wherein it featured a predator who hid under the name "Max. " According to Max, pedophilia is actually just a "sexual preference that deviates from the norm." He also justified his pedophilia by saying that heterosexual males do not "attack every woman" they find attractive.

Max works with an organization that aims to mainstream pedophiles and facilitate a network between these deviants. Schicksal Und Herausforderung (SUH), which translates to Destiny and Challenge, has a goal to promote "self-help among pedophiles" and fight "the enormous stigma and making information about this sexual preference easily accessible."

He further said that he wants to have sexual relations with women between the ages of five and 12 years old. "I'm primarily attracted to girls before and during the onset of puberty, but I'm also attracted to teenage and adult women," he bluntly said on his profile on the group's website.

The said group has also produced a short movie titled "Children's Friends" which Max helped to develop. The film gives advice "from the point of view of a pedophile" and will be screened at a German film festival.

Three men from SUH visited the University of Heidelberg for a "pedophilia theme day" back in 2019, where they spoke to young people on campus. (Related: Trans agenda is straight out of pedophilia playbook, says agent depicted in the box office hit "Sound of Freedom.")

"The students came from the medical and psychological departments and were generally quite enthusiastic about this opportunity to learn more about this topic. They complained that not enough of this appeared in their curriculum, so they organized this event themselves. The interest and enthusiasm of the students was very encouraging," the event synopsis on the group's website states.

Another pedo discloses his TWISTED fantasies to DLF

Meanwhile, another pedophile named Franz has been featured on the public radio station. He admitted to his violent sexual desires involving child sexual abuse pornography and had fantasies involving cannibalism.

"I want to dominate. It's like omnipotence: to destroy the child, to have power over the child, to humiliate and torment them all, and sadistic stuff like that," the chilling admission included.

Another disturbing story in the show was of a mother named Anna, who allows a pedophile to look after her children. The most bothersome part is that she is using the alleged sexism she has experienced as an excuse to allow this predator to have access to her kids. However, the mom insisted that she has told her children to reject advances from adults by "pushing their hands away."

The pedophile/sitter named Pascal, meanwhile, admitted to becoming sexually aroused when viewing Anna's children at home in the nude. He said that his fellow pedophiles should be allowed access to children as a form of therapy.

Berlin-based journalist Judith Basad, who reviewed the contents of the episode, expressed her deep concern about how men with urges to abuse children were being held up as praiseworthy. "It is evident that this aims to normalize pedophilia as a sexual identity. Men with perverse rape fantasies involving children are depicted as victims deserving of sympathy," she commented.

"It is concerning enough when such normalization comes from individual pedophile groups. What is even more shocking is that one of Germany's most reputable media brands is providing a platform for these dreadful demands, with the support of the state."

For critics and observers, it is hard to even imagine that these actions are being accepted, let alone normalized, and could be legalized sooner than later. The "woke mob" and the "left cult" may have been going out of hand in their efforts in promoting their ideologies.

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