House report concludes: CISA engaged in massive COVER-UP of Biden censorship scheme
06/30/2023 // Ethan Huff // Views

We now have definitive proof that the Biden regime colluded with Big Tech and various government-funded "third parties" to censor free speech on social media.

An interim report from the House Judiciary Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government explains that the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a little-known agency housed within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), conspired with tech giants and other entities to surveil and silence speech online. And CISA did this by acting well beyond its legal jurisdiction, which makes all of this unconstitutional and criminal.

Documents that were previously undisclosed and not available to the public reveal that CISA engaged in a "censor by proxy" operation. The report states that CISA then tried to conceal its "plainly unconstitutional activities" from the public, hoping nobody would notice and tie it all back to the Biden Crime Family and other deep state entities.

(Related: The Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government also confirmed this week that the Biden regime constructed this massive Censorship Complex to deal specifically with the spread of "malinformation," which means true but inconvenient-to-Biden-and-his-cronies information that the government does not want people seeing.)

CISA engaged in unconstitutional, illegal behavior on behalf of the Biden Crime Family

In a failed attempt to circumvent the First Amendment, CISA used government-funded third parties to do the actual dirty work. These third parties played a critical role in conspiring with Big Tech platforms like Facebook and Twitter to stop the spread of truthful information that paints the Biden Crime Family in a negative light, as well as to prevent people from talking about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "pandemic" in a skeptical or outright objectionable way.

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"CISA is not a law enforcement agency and is not authorized to act as an intelligence agency," the report reads. "But, in practice, that is how CISA has behaved, arrogating to itself the authority to conduct surveillance of Americans on social media."

"CISA expanded its unconstitutional practice by developing an elaborate social media censorship apparatus spanning multiple organizations in order to facilitate the censorship of Americans' political speech both directly and by proxy."

The report further highlights how CISA established a "rapid response" team to deal with "misinformation." As it did this, CISA outsourced all operations to a third-party "non-profit" organization to try to keep a lid on what was going on while also attempting to evade accusations that this was just a government propaganda operation in disguise.

The original reason why CISA was created, we are told, was to protect "critical infrastructure" like the electrical grid from cybersecurity threats. Many worried at the time of its creation, however, that CISA would be abused and used for nefarious purposes, which we now know is exactly what happened.

CISA's operations changed big time after the 2016 election to also include "election infrastructure." The narrative is that "the Russians" stole the 2016 election for Donald Trump, and that this "attack" had to be mitigated to stop another election "steal" in 2020.

Ironically, the 2020 election was stolen, but not by Trump. Joe Biden was illegally installed through a coup, and to this very day the United States is still being led off a cliff because the results of that phony election were allowed by the American people to persist.

"A giant dose of chemotherapy is needed throughout D.C. – NOW," one upset commenter wrote about how the Washington, D.C., swamp is a cesspool of corruption in desperate need of draining.

The latest news coverage about the Biden regime's massive Censorship Complex and efforts by Congress to hold the Biden Crime Family and all others involved accountable can be found at

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