Top 7 pharma-concocted KILLERS of all time
06/27/2023 // S.D. Wells // Views

It's nearly unbelievable that 270 million Americans received at least one dose of the most deadly vaccine in the history of the world – the Fauci Flu jab. These people actually believe that the pharma cartel of thugs and criminals, with a rap sheet longer than any mass murdering serial killer could ever aspire for, care about their health and well-being, and invented something to keep them from getting sick and dying. After all the prescription drugs that cover up symptoms and cause horrific new ones, and after all the kids with autism from too many vaccines, and after all the spontaneous abortions women have after getting toxic jabs, still, somehow, the vast majority of the populous think vaccines are the "holy grail" of medicine and disease prevention.

The allopathic brain-washed masses are like zombies

One would think that the prescription drug commercials on TV, with all those insane side effects they actually warn you about at the end, would be absurd enough for anyone with even one lick of common sense left, to avoid at all costs, realizing what a racket it really is, and that Big Pharma runs the chronic-sick-care industry for mass profit at everyone's health and financial expense.

To natural health advocates, the allopathic brain-washed masses are like zombies, asking to be sick, asking for more disease and disorder, and constantly wondering why they stay sick and never really heal. They bang their heads against the same wall, over and over again, rushing to the "doctor" every time they get scared about their health, but FEAR is woven into the machine, the matrix, the pharma-run-media complex.

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Mainstream media is 100 percent fake news and disinformation when it comes to health, but none of the zombies have a clue. They all think WebMD and Wikipedia are legitimate places to read about their health ills, and they think prescription drugs and vaccines will stave off disease and disorder, just long enough for them to reach retirement (even though that's when most of them die of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and dementia).

Top 7 pharma-concocted "serial killers" and depopulation schemes of all time

#1. The Covid "Vaccines"

#2. Opioid-based painkillers

#3. Chemotherapy - a.k.a. "the drip"

#4. SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) - psychotropic prescription drugs for depression and/or anxiety - includes the suicides and murders committed by users

#5. The Mercury-laced Influenza Vaccine - a.k.a. the "flu shot"

#6. Blood thinners

#7. Benzodiazepines - including Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, and Halcion

Yes, legal drugs kill more people than illegal ones. This is a hard core statistical fact. The most common "benzos" are Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan and Halcion, but there are several other generic kinds on the market. Valium and Xanax are often mixed with other drugs, making them exponentially more addictive and more dangerous.

For example, Valium is frequently abused when taken while drinking alcohol and mixing it with other medications. As valium depresses the nervous system (CNS), along with other drugs that do this (opioids and alcohol), people overdose and never wake up. Over time, people addicted to benzodiazepine drugs, like valium, experience brain damage, never even realizing it's happening. Addiction to benzos can happen after just one month of usage.

Patients prescribed blood thinners are walking right into health nightmares. These "high alert" medications are only supposed to be prescribed for 3 to 6 months, but millions of US doctors continue prescribing them for their patients for YEARS on end, until they die. While on blood thinners, many people die from simple injuries when they suffer internal bleeding.

Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental, dangerous, and unsafe injections that are the leading cause of health detriment and death worldwide, right now, thanks to the Covid stabs.

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