New evidence suggests polar bears survived just fine during 1,600 years of warm, ice-free summers
06/23/2023 // Ethan Huff // Views

New research published in the Nature journal suggests that for at least 1,600 years of Earth's history, the polar ice caps melted every single summer. And the polar bears that lived in these areas survived just fine despite all that seasonal "warming."

It turns out that summer is when conditions are warmer, meaning ice melts, only to refreeze in the winter. These are called seasons, a concept that climate change fanatics apparently never learned in school – because perhaps their teachers were too busy trying to convince them to switch genders?

Whatever the case may be, global warming extremists may be shocked to learn that polar bears lived and thrived despite all those warm summers, which the paper says occurred during the early Holocene era when the Arctic was virtually ice-free.

Keep in mind that during the Holocene era, there were no gas-powered cars and many living things ate meat rather than the "plant-based" diets that today's climate lunatics insist are necessary in order to protect the planet from getting too warm.

(Related: To stop the planet from getting too warm, the globalists are working to block natural sunlight and turn the globe into a frozen ice ball.)

Thanks to historical warming and cooling cycles, polar bears adapted and grew stronger

The study includes several data-based graphics showing that perennial sea ice disappeared at regular intervals in the southern Lincoln Sea during the Early Holocene, which is believed to point to a widespread seasonal sea-ice phenomenon where ice caps came and went annually based on the seasons.

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Another illustration shows the Last Ice Area of the Arctic which is currently covered in perennial ice that does not melt every summer like it once did. In other words, the polar ice cap regions today are much colder than they were back then, as they no longer disappear annually.

What this reveals, of course, is that man-made global warming and climate change are modern myths that any true scientist worth his weight would shy away from out of sheer embarrassment for how stupid these concepts are, especially when blamed on things like cow flatulence and carbon dioxide (CO2).

"Not only did polar bear survive these two extended periods when ice-free summers prevailed, but the Eemian warm summers came only about 10,000 years after the bears arose as a unique species," reports Susan Crockford for Watts Up With That? about the study's findings.

"This makes polar bear survival through the Eemian even more impressive than most scientists acknowledge. The polar bears' ability to store excess energy as fat in the spring and metabolize it later when needed must have been fine-tuned by natural selection during this challenging time."

Now that this has all been settled, one wonders if the global warming crowd will continue on with the mindless rhetoric or take a step back and acknowledge that the climate has always been changing, even and perhaps especially when there was no human industry taking place.

"How long can the climate enthusiasts' insistence that a bit less Arctic ice will be dangerous for the polar bears last in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary?" one commenter asked about these findings.

"How long have you got?!" joked another in response.

"Not as long as I'd like," the original commenter responded back. "Probably not long enough to see the end of this insanity (but I can hope)."

Another wrote that the charade will continue for as long as the climate "ministry of truth" is in charge of the "puppet legacy media," directing it to "ignore the evidence to the contrary."

The latest news about the mental illness known as climate hysteria can be found at

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